Feelings of Philautia... #qc prompt #73

Pleasant weekend greetings lovelies!

From the title above, it's clear what thw topic of discuss is geared at. For those who don't "speak Greek", allow me to interprete... I am diving into Self-love.

I came to understand the importance of self-love after I watched a ten minutes #Youtube video some years ago. The presenter was giving tips on how to be emotionally unburdened. I knew I had to watch and see if her tips were artificial or something else. That led me to watch the video and one of her tips was about self-care and self-love. She brought out an angle that I had not looked at before, it mesmerized me.

I used to be of the school of thought that self-love was a form of narcissism. A factor that inflated one's ego, making such person to feel superior to others and so I never saw the need to propagate it neither did I care to think of practising it for myself but after watching the video, I got a clearer view and scope of what self- love is.

Self-love or Philautia is a belief in one owns ability and worth. This worth and self-appraisation is not based on what others say or think about such a one.

It is love that is drawn from and grounded in the inner man and not from the outward interference. One thing I learnt from life is that..

There's nothing anyone would do that people will not have an opinion about. Therefore don't live on the whims of people's opinions.

Despite my knowing this about people and life, I must confess that I did not follow through on it. There were many times when I was so hard on myself, I felt like I wasn't good enough nor did I qualify for the good things that came my way. I recall that whenever something good happened to me, I automatically get in a cautious mode because, I felt like it was too good to be true and it might slip away. It was not evident that I was not loving myself till I came across that video.

Moreover love is shown in action. I was my own biggest critic. I never appreciated anything that I did nor did I give myself credit for my own accomplishments. I always found a way to water down the effects even when others where applauding me. I also must say here that this was a tough way to live.

Recently, I have turned a new leaf. Yes, I'm my own biggest fan right now. I take into account the little things that come my way that put a smile on my face and appreciate God for those things. I have also learnt to take care of my self physically, financially and emotionally even as I invest in others and seek their advancement.

Now when I feel like I need to have something, I go for it and have it, unlike previously when I would talk myself out of getting something for my sow This is unlike impulse buying. For instance, last week friday, after a hard days work at school and some home tutorials, I was exhausted. The me before would have just slept off without doing anything to fix myself but the me now, needed some nourishment and I went for it. I bought sharwarma and chilled yoghurt, brought it home and devoured it (without guilt). After I was done, I then took a two-hour nap and by the time I woke up, I felt so refreshed and energised. I realised how much I was harming myself previously due to ignorance. This is just a snippet into how I'm taking charge to moving forward with loving myself. I should also state that living is now pretty easy, ni more toughness.

Also, my general outlook and disposition has changed all because I've begun practicing self-love. I know my worth, I kniw that I'm of inesteemable value and that I am precious. I say this regularly in front of a mirrror most times, I even psyche myself ti the fullest and it's so so mentally boosting. You can try it.

With all I have said, do I still make mistakes, "yes" but how do I go about...by understanding that humans err. No one is perfect and even perfection is over-rated. "How can we learn if we don't err once in a while?"

I refuse to let my experiences, wrong decisions of the past, body size and stature and other things, define me or people's opinions to shape me. I am beautiful, smart, hardworking, diligent, respectful, thoughtful and kind. I am nit my mistakes, I am nit the abuse I suffered as a child... I am wonderfully and beautifully made and that's what I believe and base my self-love on.

Thank you all for reading...shalom.

Leaving people better than you met them is Living.. Becky 🤗
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