Books I am enamored with. Qc prompt #94

"Readers are leaders"

This quote has stuck with me for as far back as I can remember and true to its words, readers are indeed leaders because of the deep access to knowledge and information they obtain. Hello everyone and welcome to my blog.

I have been an ardent reader thanks to my dad's efforts during my formative years in reading to me plus my creative mind which enables me to picture virtually all that I read. I began reading little story books from school then the love for reading graduated to me reading all kinds of stuff, even to the posters and banners on the roadside.

Speaking on the books that I love to read and the ones that have impacted my life for the better, the list is endless but I would say that my category of books that interest me now falls within the motivational and inspirational books.

These are books that capture the experiences and totality of a man's frail state while also showing a practical guide to overcoming human frailities and failures. In as much as I like to read every and any book, I would certainly opt for those books that can help me become a better version of myself in the long run through its stipulated practical experiences and guide.

There are so many successful people out there refusing to share their failures and how they overcame but there are some wonderful personalities out there who are open minded and unfazed about sharing their failures and their wins, so that the upcoming generation can understand that certain things are normal in life. These are the authors I seek and the books I read.

I will be sharing below some books that I have read over the years that were a great contribution to my personal development and improvement. I do hope you find them as excitingly useful as I did.

#1. Woman evolve by Sarah Jakes Roberts.

This is a very lovely book written by a woman who has been at the lowest in life. Sarah Jakes was a woman that has been broken, betrayed and hurt but she was able to rise from the stubble to becoming a woman that is now sought after, a woman worth celebrating. I cannot explain enough how profound this book was to my life and how it helped shaped my perspective of idealogies about myself. It is a great read.

#2. 365 wisdom keys by Mike Murdock.

This is another great book by a great personality and an amazing author. If you desire practical wisdom to navigate life, then this is a must read.

#3. Do it afraid by Joyce Meyer

I cannot fully explain all that this book has to offer but take it from me that Joyce has a way of rekindling the embers of passion with her books especially if one is at that state or level where they don't believe in themselves. I got to understand that everyone feels fear even the best charismatic speakers. The only difference is that they embtced courage and courage is not the absence of fear but doing what needs to be done irrespective of the fears.

#4. ** Overcoming Crisis** by Myles Munroe

What do I say concerning this wise man that once walked the earth. His books are top notch best sellers and they are very impactful. He wrote strategic ways of overcoming crisis of whatever form that might arise either in the home, office or business plece. This is a very good book.

Lastly, I leave this for the singles intending to be in a relationship one day. The book title is waiting and dating by Myles Monroe.

When I read this book the first time, I was shocked to know that my knowledge about dating relationships was actually limited and warped. I used to pride myself in having a good understanding of what being in an intimate relationship entails but when I read this book, my mental paradigm shifted and I obtained better understanding especially in relationships. It has helped me a lot to not sell myself short but that I should enjoy my single phase pursuing purpose.

Thank you all for reading...shalom.

Images are screenshots of the ebook on my phone.

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