Why Do People Fail and Others Succeed?

Hello everyone, we are here again with the latest weekly contest by @queercoin with the prompt:

This week's topic:

Failure - Why do you think some people fail and others succeed? Why do you think only a few people achieve their goals? Do you think there is some secret to success that people who fail don't know?

Why do you think some people fail and others succeed?

Success in any endeavour does not happen just happen by accident, a stroke of luck or by an act of chance. Success comes by putting good ideas into practice and taking and purposeful actions such as setting up realistic goals, Having confidence and self-belief, Making worthwhile plans, Practising good interpersonal relationships, Having confidence and self-belief Being persistent and resilient, Being optimistic and having self-esteem.


Most people don't put up realistic goals. They tend to set up goals that do not give them purpose or direction. With time they fizzle out and fail to even achieve them. They also tend to have less confidence in themselves and their ability to surmount some difficult situations. They simply cave in at the slightest obstacles, thus failing to achieve their aim or success.

All in all, people fail because they go through life aimlessly, with no purpose or sense of direction. They fail to build their interpersonal abilities and instead antagonize others instead of gaining their support.

Why do you think only a few people achieve their goals?

A few people or persons achieve their goals because they tend to set realistic goals for themselves and then work towards achieving them. They tend to believe in their ability to carve out something even when faced with difficulties, discouragement and other personal impediments. They also improve their interpersonal relationships this expanding their networks and horizon.

Do you think there is some secret to success that people who fail don't know?

Well, the secret to success is only HARDWORK. When one is hardworking, every other thing will fall into places. Aside from hardwork, one needs to have self belief and confidence. With self belief one will always see any difficulties as a temporary setback. These are therefore the key qualities one needs to have to attain success in life.

This is my participation in the QC Community Contest. You can join the contest via this link:

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