Rewind Back To Independence: The Joys and Expectations

Hello everyone, welcome to this week's contest with the prompt: "History - If you could travel back in time and witness a historical moment, which one would you like to see and why?"

  • This is an interesting topic really. If all of us have the chance to rewind back to history, we would find some interesting events we will like to experience again in life. I as a person also have some events too that I would like to take place again so that I can witness them.


  • One of such is the independence celebration 🥳. Most countries of the world was colonised at one point in time. It is and will always be a thing of joy to see one's country regain her independence from the colonial masters. It is always a big occassion.

  • Many countries in Africa was colonised by either the British, the Portuguese, French or Belgium. For my country Nigeria, we were a former colony of the great Britain who amalgamated the country sometime in the year 1914.

  • Several efforts were made by the people of Nigeria to gain independence from their colonial master, the British. These efforts culminated in Nigeria being granted her wish to be an independent country on the first day of October, 1960.


  • You can imagine the joy that radiates everywhere that Nigerians will now be given the opportunity to govern itself. On 1/10/1960, I know that many had decorated everywhere in anticipation of the new independent state.

  • On my part, I would have loved to witness how the British handed power back to Nigerians. The speeches of the then president Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe and that of the prime minister Sir Abubakar Tafawa Balewa and all the regional premiers. That was the state of the young Nigeria as a country.

  • I know many remember the events culminating to that date and activities and/or thereafter. Everybody was happy. Nigeria is now free from foreign rule. Many who were alive than will be filled with nostalgia comparing then to the present day Nigeria. How I wish those period could be played back to take place again.

  • Why do I want to see such date or days again? The reason is not farfetched. Things have really gone bad compared to those early years and/or precolonial days. One would like the good old days played back once again and forget about the high hopes people had when gunning for independence which appears to have been derailed.

This is my participation in the @queercoin weekly contest #45.

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