demonstration in Lhokseumawe

Today there were demonstrations that took place in parts of cities in Aceh, one of which occurred in the city of Lhokseumawe, the demonstration this time was carried out because of the arrest of a Malikussaleh university student named arwan Syahputra by the coal police police, the reason for the arrest was on 12 October 2020 there was a demonstration about the omnibus law that took place at the DPRD coal coal North Sumatra, a number of elements of society, students and laborers commanded by Arwan Syahputra, the action proceeded peacefully after a provocateur threw stones at the coal DPRD building, so that he was hit by the head from the visible Sabhara coal police, after that Chris happened which caused the demonstrators also injured. _____________________________________________



_____________________________________________ Therefore the demonstrators took action, namely none other than to demand the police to release Arwan Syahputra, who had been arrested and named a suspect, not only taking action to free Arwan but this time also demanding that students throughout Indonesia, which has been arrested for immediate release, and the demonstrations have also rejected the omnibus law law that has been passed by the People's Representative Council of the Republic of Indonesia. _____________________________________________



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