Building a Vocal Booth from Scratch - Part 5: "Drywall & Mud" - Manifesting the ELAmental Underground Studio for Self-Owned-Souls


This segment shows the steps and details involved with installing the drywall and joint compound on both the outside and inside of the vocal booth. I detail more about things to consider when using pre-owned materials in your build, and do a massive cleanup from one of the biggest construction messes I have ever manifested.


The mudding had to be extremely detailed in some areas. The cattycorner wall required 4 passes of separate muddings on different days, waiting for each round to dry and be sanded down with the block. I also demonstrate how to fit replacement segments on damaged areas of the previously used drywall I scored on donation. Additionally, I finished installing mineral wool insulation and drywall in the bedroom closet that shares a wall with the sound room.


Another important detail in this video was the instillation of the door seals and bottom sweep. These two items completely sealed off the door from any air leaks for a snug fit when closed. This is especially important for soundproofing as well, being that the door is the only true gap in the space.


The massive carpet cleaning I enacted is not shown in this video series, but was completed the day following this video. It took a donation of a carpet washing machine vacuum, along with several rounds of spot treatments using baking soda, isopropyl, denatured alcohol, and a shop-vac to prep for the cleaning machine. I will publish a separate article on how to remove impossible carpet stains (including black grease) with this method at a later time.

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Click below to view LBRY video for part 5: "Drywall & Mud"


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Park 2 - Click Here

Park 3 - Click Here

Park 4 - Click Here

Click Here for the ELAmental Underground Studio Preview

Click Here for the Beat Making Gear Preview

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Enchanted blessings - with love, truth, respect, & honor - @ELAmental.


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Stay tuned - into the right frequencies


Click here to hear my single: Shift the Focus on Soundcloud from my upcoming album: Power of Truth

(Link to new album title claim)

@ELAmental's debut album The Hex Wrecker is completely free for download on Bandcamp & Soundcloud (click the links to go to my music on those platforms), or CLICK HERE for download instructions.


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