In Greece A Little Green Diamond ๐Ÿ’š


Dawn in these days of so much รจ close I start to remember your forgotten eyes ask your eyelids
the shadow of my love saw you pale and weak i don't have the strength to see you
I have no colour of anticipation, I am poor
I have no steps to reach the edge of your heart... "
( Byron Leontaris).


It may have happened that the times I went there I did not have a particularly good time, but it is impossible not to appreciate the incredible natural beauty of this island! In Greece A Little Green Diamond ๐Ÿ’š is part of my stay here, on a weekend of luxury and enjoyment.


Favorite beach, one of the most beautiful! That we are always so lucky to be able to travel and enjoy the beauties of our place these difficult times for everything is what we need, in some moments of our lives.


Another fantastic place definitely worth visiting! Good afternoon, good half week and good strength! ๐ŸŒ…. For each and every one of us at this time to take care of ourselves.


Like every child enjoying the sea and its instruments, to build a big sand castle so that the sea comes and destroys everything. Part of what you experience on a weekend at the beach in Greece. To enjoy the sun for a few days and to return again to the office and the accounting.

๐Ÿ“ฒ Samsung A41

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