Keepers of the Gateway - Nephlim in Ancient Egypt

img_0.8622762201247882.jpg A man holding a giant human Femur bone in Ohio from the year 2011.

Near thieves Egypt, Italian and English expedition through out history have been researching giants in ancient Egypt. These giants have also come to be commonly known as the Nephilim or Keepers of the Gateway.

Much debate over this topic has yet to reach a final conclusion, but ancient thieves may have answers.

** Things to consider before watching the film linked below **

Ramsay's the 11th's fall from powered was coincided with the destruction of many ancient egyptian temples, the temple of King Tut is one of few still in tact.

Pre-1400 BP Egypt under Akhenaten was the first to suggest a monotheistic God in replacement of the many gods of ancient Egypt.

The common translation of Nephilim is Giant. The Greek Septuagint, an ancient translation of the Hebrew Bible, refers to them as gigantes, which actually means earth-born.

Smithsonian magazine was involved in a Major Cover-up of giant human skeletons in the early 1900s. There could be a lot more to these large ancestors of ours.

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