dCrops Giveaway #6 "You look Radishing Today" ends 4.4.2022

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As usual, you guys have continued to support these giveaways, and as we grow I might be able to squeeze in more RARES like the previous giveaway >:D My goal is to continue ramping up what I am doing, so thank you guys for your continued support, and lets get on to the next giveaway, number 6.

EDIT: When you mess up the Title and the Thumbnail end dates, LOL oops.

dCrops Giveaways continue!

Sadly, I don't have packs I can open right now, as they are all currently being held for CROP power, but maybe eventually this one will have pack openings, like my Rising Stars and Splinterlands ones, until then we'll be doing it a bit differently, I'll talk about my current game plans, and go a bit in-depth on the giveaway item that I am giving away this week!

My Game Plan

I recently had a bid go through for a DCAlpha pack at just 5.50! So I now have 13.5k CROP Power and am well on my way to the goal of 20k Crop Power, this has taken me a while to get where I am, but because of some... somewhat unrelated projects, I should be picking up the pace very quickly in the next week or so.

Currently I have a full set of Commons and Rares, and I am only missing Onion for my last Epic, at this point, I will have 1 of everything except Legendaries (Which I am currently avoiding for now...)

After this, I will begin to expand on my Common cards, and get new Rare and Common Lands, to continue to compound my growth here in dCrops

So, things are moving along quite nicely, and you can expect a neat giveaway soon when I finally reach 20k CROP Power and my last Epic

Giveaway Time!

One lucky winner will receive some Radish for their next Winter season, coming up soon!

Upvotes, Follows, and Tips are OPTIONAL, you do NOT need to do this, but they are always always appreciated!


About the Card:

Radishes are a common Winter Crop that can be planted for 7 Days, they will yield 1 Crop worth 13 Shares each season, and they are one of the cheaper entry points for new players: Don't let that fool you though, the Common Crops are some of the most efficient growers in the game, as they do not rely on RNG and do not have the benefits of automation, with proper time management, they can be MORE rewarding than Rares and Epics!

There will be crafted recipes in dCrops potentially at some point: I'm hoping for a Radish Salad with a House Vinaigrette!

Here are the rules:

  • Comment your IGN
  • Don't enter with multiple accounts please <3
  • Have Fun!

That's it! You'll be entered into all three drawings, although you can only win once per Giveaway Post!

Giveaway will be drawn using the Wheel of Names when this post pays out 7 days from now!

Cauliflower Power Giveaway Results


It's time to see who won the Cauliflower, adding in my referrals and getting rid of engagement tokens and bots; We have a total of 21 Entrants, so the winner of the Cauliflower Power Hour is... @paulinacolada congratulations, as a referral you're entered into all giveaways! I'll be sending you ID: 131337!

Ongoing Giveaways

Distintegrator Share Your Battle Giveaway!

CL Pack Opening, Insidious Death, win a Rift Wing!

CL Life Summoner Speculations: Win a Life Common

Wanna play some Rising Star? Win a Buster here

Sign Up for dCrops Now!

Website | Discord | Hive Blog | My Referral

Wanna win these giveaways and plant crops, grow them, and eventually gain buildings and recipes in future installments?

You can use my link here: https://www.dcrops.com/?ref=jakkal

You get entered into every dCrops giveaway that I do, and sometimes I'll do special Referral only giveaways and delegations! (Yes, that means that those of you who signed up in my last article don't even need to comment, although I do love seeing you guys <3)

Good Luck everybody in the giveaway!

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