dCrops Giveaway #1: Winter's Harvest

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So the last dCrops giveaway saw only a few entries, but was pretty successful overall, and I'd like to continue doing it whenever possible, so, like my other giveaways, I will continue doing these, and (hopefully) ramp them up to daily giveaways at some point, because of the costs of dCrops assets, right now this is totally doable, and should be pretty easy to keep sustainable for you guys <3

dCrops Giveaways are here!! Rejoice Farmers!

Sadly, I don't have packs I can open right now, as they are all currently being held for CROP power, but maybe eventually this one will have pack openings, like my Rising Stars and Splinterlands ones, until then we'll be doing it a bit differently, I'll talk about my current game plans, and go a bit in-depth on the giveaway item that I am giving away this week!

My Game Plan

My gameplan is pretty simple: My first, and primary goal is to reach 20,000 CROP in order to begin receiving daily payouts from that, which I can then reinvest into the game and continue to accumulate more crops and more items.

Currently I have a full set of Commons and am slowly upgrading to Rares, as I am primarily playing as a F2P player, but the goal here is to continue expanding my Commons and Rares, and eventually start being able to grab a few Epics. This will slowly make accumulating the first phase of my plan a breeze.

My current playstyle is hoarding Shares, in order to get to a much larger share amount on an off-season, and get a larger pot of the CROP in one swoop, I'm hoping this will let me ramp up quickly and hit the 20000 CROP faster than if I just sold my Shares each season.

Giveaway Time!

One lucky winner will receive a fresh set of Peas, just in time for the Winter Harvest! If I receive enough upvotes, I will be adding additional giveaways each week!

Upvotes, Follows, and Tips are OPTIONAL, you do NOT need to do this, but they are always always appreciated!


About the Card:

Peas are a Common card which produces 5 different crops worth 3 Shares each over the course of 4 Days. This is a really efficient card if you have a good piece of land, where the bonuses and 'double crop' yield will allow you to gain 3 Star Crops quite often. This makes it a pretty solid Common Crop for more advanced players, and it also happens to payout decently, AND quickly, for newcomers as well! I like Peas quite a lot, and they also happen to be quite tasty.

There will be crafted recipes in dCrops potentially at some point: I'm hoping Split Pea Soup makes the cut >:D

Here are the rules:

  • Comment your IGN
  • Have Fun!

That's it! You'll be entered into all three drawings, although you can only win once per Giveaway Post! Note: Referrals are entered into all giveaways and have a chance to win without commenting.

Giveaway will be drawn using the Wheel of Names when this post pays out 7 days from now!

Ongoing Giveaways

I sometimes have extra Splinterlands Giveaways hidden in my posts, if there are some this week, I'll link them here:
Win a Lava Spider in my Splinterlands Share Your Battle Challenge here: @jakkal/my-spidey-senses-are-tingling--splinterlands-share-your-battle-challenge-lava-spider
Win a Flying Squid/Sunkai Harvester on my Gladius Pack Opening Giveaway here: https://www.splintertalk.io/@jakkal/gladius-case-pack-opening-and-giveaway-3-a-captain-arrives

Win a Kulu Swimhunter in this Pack Opening Giveaway here: @jakkal/your-average-pack-splinterlands-chaos-legion-pack-opening-and-giveaway-5

I'm also doing lots of Rising Star Giveaways which you can check out here:
Win a 13 Buster here in this Pack Opening Giveaway for Rising Star: @jakkal/rising-star-giveaway-7-13-buster-giveaway-all-or-nothing-buster-or-bust-ends-2192022


Sign Up for dCrops Now!

Wanna win these giveaways and plant crops, grow them, and eventually gain buildings and recipes in future installments?

You can use my link here: https://www.dcrops.com/?ref=jakkal

You get entered into every dCrops giveaway that I do, and sometimes I'll do special Referral only giveaways and delegations! (Yes, that means that those of you who signed up in my last article don't even need to comment, although I do love seeing you guys <3)

Good Luck everybody in the giveaway!

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