Forget LEGENDARIES: How Smart Lineups Lead to Victory馃槺 [Eng/Esp]

Greetings, fellow duelists, how are you...


It鈥檚 been a hectic week in my life, but I didn鈥檛 want to leave you without my weekly battle, which is a beauty.
This took place in the BRAWLS where I luckily discovered a very interesting lineup that the opponent might not expect at times.
The rule we have for this week is called THE LEGENDARIES WENT TO SLEEP, hehe, just kidding鈥攚e can鈥檛 use legendary cards in our match. This is good because we need to learn that having a legendary in our lineup doesn鈥檛 guarantee victory.


Something you鈥檒l see in this match are cards that are generally not used much; as for the summoner, I will use one of my favorites, the DRAGON, which gives our splinters +1 speed. But I will now explain why we chose this lineup:

馃數Iidri Fyre
Having to remove 9 health from this tank can be tedious, and on top of that, your attacks might miss, and you must defeat this card no matter what to continue. I鈥檓 really liking this card since I got it to level 2, where it acquires an ability called Redemption鈥攖his is like an explosion that deals +1 damage to all enemies. It鈥檚 great.


馃數Runic Skyclaw
This Dragoness was the star of the match, as she had +7 speed and could fly. Imagine what happened. This card dodged like a champion; just watch her in battle to learn this strategy. What she did was crazy.



馃數Lava Launcher
One of the most versatile cards in the fire class. It defends as well as attacks, and the best part is you can place it in any position, and it will perform. With 3 damage, it鈥檚 very good at taking down enemy splinters easily per turn.


The explosion ability is one of the things I love, and this splinter has it. Being an archer, its attacks go to the enemy splinter in the first position and deal +1 damage to the adjacent one. It鈥檚 very good.


Honestly, I got this card recently in a pack. I put it there as a panic button in case my main strategy didn鈥檛 work out. Since it鈥檚 a Gladius card, its health buffs when it kills another card, and my intention was that if it reached the first position, it could hold out as long as possible so my last archer could win the match for me.


馃數Blood Maker
I call him the sneak archer since he attacks a random enemy card per turn. This is very good as it will weaken our opponent鈥檚 backline.




Something I look for in @splinterlands battles is that they bring a smile to my face and fill me with good vibes, this is important for my mental health and talking about this this nice community called @freecompliments or #freecompliments is just peace and love where they are an active member and their goal is something good. In the end we came to be happy on this earthly plane.

Well, my friend, I hope you enjoyed the battle. From my point of view, it turned out spectacular. Also, I want you to get it out of your head that legendaries are the best cards in the game鈥攖hey鈥檙e just one class, and this match proved that when we have an excellent lineup, nothing can stop us.
Thank you very much for reading my post, reminding you to learn something new, do sports, and most importantly, seek YOUR HAPPINESS.





Saludos humanos duelistas como est谩n...

Ha sido una semana movida en mi vida , pero no quer铆a dejarlos sin mi batalla semanal la cual es una belleza.
Esta se desarrollo en las BRAWLS donde descubr铆 por suerte una alineaci贸n muy interesante que el oponente en ocasiones no se va a esperar.
La regla que tenemos para esta semana la llamaremos LAS LEGENDARIAS SE FUERON A DORMIR jeje, no mentiras no podemos usar cartas legendarias en nuestra partida. Esto es bueno porque debemos aprender que tener una legendaria en nuestra alineaci贸n no te garantiza una victoria
Algo que ver谩n en esta partida son cartas que generalmente no se usan tanto; en cuanto al invocador usare uno de mis favoritos el DRAGON el cual nos da +1 de velocidad a nuestros splinter, pero a continuaci贸n les explicare el porque de nuestra alineaci贸n:

Iidri Fyre
Tener que quitar 9 de vida a este tanque puede ser tedioso y a eso sumale que tus ataques podr铆an fallar y debes derrotar esta carta si o si para continuar. Esta carta me esta gustando mucho ya que la pude llevar a nivel 2 donde adquiere una habilidad llamada Redemption esta es como especie de explosi贸n que hace +1 de da帽o a todos los enemigos, esto es genial.

Runic Skyclaw
Esta Dragona fue la estrella de la partida, ya que tenia +7 de velocidad y volaba, imag铆nate lo que paso. Esta carta esquivaba como una campeona solo m铆rala en batalla para que aprendas esta estrategia. Una locura lo que hizo.

Lava Launcher
Una de las cartas mas vers谩til de la clase fuego. Esta defiende como tambi茅n ataca y lo mejor la puedes poner en cualquier posici贸n y te va a rendir. Al tener 3 de da帽o es muy buena para acabar con splinter enemigos f谩cilmente por turno.

La habilidad de explosi贸n es de las cosas que me encantan y este splinter la posee. Al ser un arquero sus ataques van al splinter enemigo en primera posici贸n y hace +1 de da帽o al adyacente. Es muy buena.

Siendo honesto esta carta me salio hace poco en un pack. La puse all铆 como bot贸n de p谩nico en caso tal de que mi estrategia principal no saliera y como es una carta Gladius se bufa su vida cuando mata a otra carta y mi intension era que si llegara a estar en primera posici贸n aguantara lo mas que pudiera para que mi ultimo arquero me diera la partida.

Blood Maker
Yo lo llamo el arquero sneak ya que ataca por turno a una carta aleatoria enemiga, esto es muy bueno ya que ira debilitando la alineaci贸n trasera de nuestro oponente.

Bueno amigo espero que hayan disfrutado la batalla, desde mi punto de vista quedo espectacular; ademas quiero que se saquen de la cabeza que las legendarias son las mejores cartas del juego , solo son una clase y esta partida quedo demostrado que cuando tenemos una excelente alineacion nada nos puede detener.
Muchas gracias por leer mi post, recordandote aprender algo nuevo, hacer deporte y lo m谩s importante buscar TU FELICIDAD.



To whom it may concern,is not investment advice.
Ethnocentric and joan fonts used .
Use of images from the mentioned project under my editing for photoshop and i.a. My native language is Spanish, I use Deepl translator. Thanks

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