Have You Ever Read the Whole Entire Bible?

I recently watched a webinar where Voddie Baucham was set to speak. I didn't realize that it was a sales pitch for a website, but it was still interesting. I listened to the majority of it and I'm glad I did. They sent us a document about scientific evidence for reading the Bible 4 or more times a week. It got me to thinking...

One specific quote came from Woodrow Kroll in August 2009.

"I remind you that God wrote a Book; and He only wrote one. I wonder what we'll say to Him at the Judgement Seat of Christ if He asks us, 'Did you read My book? I mean one time in your entire life did you read my whole book?'"


This is something that each Christian needs to answer for himself. Do you spend time reading God's Word? Just once a week or more than that? I have been guilty of only spending time in the Word at church on Sunday, and I have also been on the other end of the spectrum where I read the Bible daily.

Many of the statistics in the document were shocking. To boil it all down, the more time you spend reading the Bible a week (4+), your chances of doing things like getting drunk, sex outside of marriage, and gambling go down significantly! They show the statistics for adults and for teenagers and I find the results very interesting and worth looking at!

Here is a link to the document if you're interested in seeing it.


Desiring God has an interesting video about reading your Bible as well as some resources to help you get started or keep going! This is something I want to look at again in the future.

Woodrow Kroll also has a ministry website with a lot of helpful information. It talks about Bible illiteracy in the church, which is a major issue.

Another article by Desiring God about God's book talks about how amazing it is that we have this from God himself. This is an article I want to go back to in the future and read.

I end with a question. Have you ever read the whole Bible? If so, how many times? If not, why not?


This post is mostly for me to remind myself of some sources I have found about reading God's Word. I hope it also encourages you to pick up your Bible and read it everyday.

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