Separating The Black Soldier Fly Larvae From The Frass.

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In order to introduce another organic waste for the black soldier fly, I must first separate the Bsf larvae from the frass, which is left over after the black soldier fly has completed eating the organic waste we provided.

Because the bsf larvae typically go down the pile of organic waste to feed, if the pile is too high, they won't be able to come up and eat their food, we must remove the residue.

If we don't remove the residue and keep adding organic waste to the bin, the bsf larvae won't have access to organic waste to feed on again.

Sorting them out can be difficult since you have to carefully separate the larval from the fras.

The simplest method uses wire mesh of various sizes according to the size of the larvae.

The first method of sorting them entails spreading the larvae thinly across a wire mesh with a hole large enough for the larvae to pass through.

The larvae will naturally want to burrow downward and will drop off the wire mesh into a container below.

This works best if the fras is damp.

This choice can occasionally be sluggish and time-consuming for me.

The second approach, which I prefer, is to obtain a wire mesh with holes that are smaller than the larvae so that they cannot pass through them but the residue can pass through. Here, the residue is a little bit dry.

Shake it vigorously with the larvae on top so that the debris falls off, leaving the larvae alone on the mesh.

This is quite quick.

Therefore, we add fresh organic garbage for the larvae to eat after sorting. However, if you place the organic waste over the larvae rather than the larvae over the organic waste, they will find it difficult to eat down the container.









Original Content Posted By Me @rheda



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