My Baby Rabbit Died At Birth And The BSFL Consumed The Carcass In 7 Hours

Hello Hivers!!
Welcome to my blog..

So today one of my pregnant rabbit gave birth but out of the 5 bunnies she gave both to, one of them died as a result of the mother standing and pressing the new born bunny which resulted to it’s death.

Normally I would dispose it my digging a hole on the ground and putting it in and cover it up or I just through it in the nearby bushes.

But I decided to give it to my black soldier fly larvae to consume.

Black soldier fly larvae (BSFL) consumes any waste given that it is organic both plant and animals.

This helps me handle any organic waste I have in my homestead and make nothing goes to waste.

Any waste I have in my homestead can be converted to high quality protein source that I can use to feed fish, poultry and also pigs.

Nothing goes to waste.

When I places the carcass of the death bunny in the container housing the black soldier fly larvae, when I checked the time, it used 7hours to consume the carcass of the death bunny and left with the bone.




This goes to show how powerful the black soldier fly is in converting waste.

And during the time of the consumption there was no odur or bad smell emanating from the container where the black soldier fly was consuming the dead bunny.

This also shows how environmentally friendly the black soldier fly is, it consumes waste without releasing any offensive odor that would have caused air pollution if I had thrown the dead bunny in the bushes to decompose.



Original Content Posted By Me @rheda



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