Black Soldier Fly (BSF) Farming | My Love Cage Construction..

Hello Hivers!!
Welcome to my blog…

You might be wondering what the Black Soldier fly (BSF) is?

Well BSF is a none harmful insects (fly) that can be raises in a confined area to raise Margot’s for livestock feeding..



The scientific name for the BSF is Hermetia illucens, the black soldier fly, is a common and widespread fly of the family Stratiomyidae.

The life cycle of the fly is quite a short one, an adult female lays between 206 and 639 eggs at a time. These eggs are typically deposited in crevices or on surfaces above or adjacent to decaying matter such as manure or compost and hatch in about 4 days.

The larvae are able to feed on a wide variety of organic matter, adapting to diets with different nutrient content. The larval stage lasts from 18 to 36 days, depending on the food substrates provided to the larvae, of which the postfeeding (prepupal) stage lasts around 7 days.

The length of larval stage can be delayed by months due to low temperature or lack of food.

The pupal stage lasts from 1 to 2 weeks Adults can live typically 47 to 73 days when provided with water and food, such as sugar in captivity or nectar in the wild, or survive for about 8 to 10 days on fat reserves gathered during larval stage when water is provided.


With the constants increase in cost of feed for my fish, the probability of making a little profit from it it very slim, this has got me thinking for a while now on how I can sustainably reduce the cost of feeding my fishes.

So, recently I got the idea of raising the black soldier fly, which i tried raising some time but didn’t turn out well..

The problems I faced then was with the issue of the materials I used to build the fly cage..

I used a transparent nylon material to build the cage, because the BSF needs Light and heat in order to see and mate.

This time is used a different material for the roofing a transparent plastic roofing sheet which would last longer,

This was used together with a tarpaulin to cover the sides with some wood to construct the shade to house the flies.

Then a net cage was made, this is called the Love Cage, this is were the flies would be kept to mate and lay eggs...







~Stick with me to Learn more about BSF~


Original Content Posted By Me @rheda



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