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A Visit To A Local Black Soldier Fly (BSF) Breeder To Purchase Some BSF Larvae..

Hello Hivers!!
Welcome to my blog..

So, today I visited a local breeder who keeps black soldier fly larvae to feed his fish.

There are several ways of starting the BSF colony, some might chose to start with the wild population of black soldier fly in their surroundings or you just have to buy from someone who keeps them.

Starting with the wild pollution is quite tricky, because sometimes you can hardly find the black soldier fly In your surrounding. They are mostly attracted to strong decomposing smell of organic waste, which will attract the females to come and lay some eggs in that area,.

Most people setup an attractant consisting of decaying Bananas, fermented wheat, and some eggs to give it a very strong smell that would attract the female to lay eggs in the eggies prepared for it.

Then these eggs are then hatched to produce larveas which forms the next colony of black soldier flies..

Reaching the local breeders place, I saw that he wasn’t really using organic waste to raise the larvae instead he used fermented wheat offals to feed the larvae, the reason he gave was that sometimes some organic waste like kitchen waste, poultry waste etc might contain some harmful elements that might not go well with the bsf. Instead he prefers using wheat offals which he is sure of it.

He then showed me the several stages of the larvae he has.












He sold the 1weak old larvae to some, some of the larvae had started changing to the pre-pupae stage, which is the stage the larvae don't eat again. After this stage it changes to the pupae stage, here is doesn't move and it's black in colour.

He sold it at $16.4 for 1kg of the larvae.

It is quite expensive for just a fly😉

So, immediately I got home, I had to put them In the container I had prepared and put some fermented PKC (palm kernel cake) which is the organic waste from what I used to feed my rabbits..

**Can't wait to see them as flies.., !!!!


Original Content Posted By Me @rheda



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