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A Brave Chicken Flew the Coop

Finally another status update

I'm working on some video updates(one will post tomorrow) that will be out soon but for all of my blog friends here is a quick update.

Crossing imaginary lines

I went to Worley, Idaho today to pick up some more chickens. After my friend's experience a couple of years ago getting chicks through tractor supply I vowed to not take part in that ever again.

A good and humane source for chickens

I lost some of my chickens right before my move and wanted to replace them. My friend Laurie put the word out recently that we each want a couple more. She found a source of locally bred an non vaccinated chickens for us across the imaginary line in the land of "Idaho".

Early bird gets the worm

I took an early morning trip to get the chickens. It's been a couple years since I drove through the palouse region of Washington. Even though I only went into the northern part it's a beautiful area and was nice to revisit. Lots of old barns and structures from a time that I think I'd like to get back to. Well at least be similar to now.

A smooth transition

I got home and let the chickens out in their new home. After some excitement I thought I could settle down only to watch one fly out of the coop. I tried to catch her in the woods for a while but to no avail.

Come back to your new home

Maybe she'll come back tonight but for now I'm down to 5. She was the only one I didn't get a chance to clip her wings. She flew at my face as I tried to keep her from leaving the cop with another in my hands. Haha it was quite a sught and my neighbors I'm sure had a good laugh watching my follies.

Until next time, always live free!