Some plants around the house

Hello all dear friends.
I hope everyone is always in good health and always successful for all friends wherever you are.

On this very beautiful occasion I am back in this beloved community for I want to show some plants that are around the house and all the plants that I show are very useful for everyday life.

As below, we can see oil palm seeds that are still in development and are still in the seedling stage, maybe in the next few weeks these palm seeds will be brought to the garden for planting. Oil palm is a plant for our lifetime in the future.

Here I have taken some pictures of oil palm seeds and they are persistent, some are a little long and some are still growing, and here we can see these seeds are very fertile because of adequate fertilization and care and these are superior oil palm seeds.

And below is a durian tree that has been planted on the ground in the garden, at first this durian tree is still in the black paper pulp because it's time to plant because the roots are already woven and spreading so he needs an outside place, so that it is nutritionally adequate. at the time of absorption.

And below is a water guava tree and the color of this water guava is red, this guava tree is still small because it is still a few weeks being planted here from where we are very common water guava trees, you can say almost every house in our area in Indonesia Aceh there must be a water guava tree.

The water guava also has various types and colors and even the taste is also very different, and most of today's water guava fruit is also sold in the market in addition to being eaten directly and many are also made in a mixture of sweet salad.

And the one below is a flower papaya tree and it looks very fertile, mostly in our place, flower papaya trees are planted around the house, because the flowers can be cooked with a mixture of other vegetables.

In addition to the very delicious taste, the flowers are also sold in the market, so besides being able to save the economy and can also strengthen the economy with this papaya flower when it is sold in the market.

In our place very many people are planting flower papaya trees as below.

And below there is also a picture of cocoa fruit or often referred to as chocolate fruit, we can see the fruit that I took this picture was swarmed by black ants, which of course is very good cocoa.

Because if this fruit is swarmed by black ants, this fruit will definitely be protected from squirrels who want to eat this fruit with a very sweet taste.

And in this garden there is also a banana plant, because it is very necessary. Because the banana plant next to the house is always needed.
The leaves are always used by housewives, mostly in our place, banana leaves are used as white rice wrappers and are also widely used as noodle wrappers.

And the fruit is also very tasty and has a lot of protein, so in our area there are also many who plant banana trees, because in our area also almost along the road people sell fried bananas, so there are lots of bananas being sold in the market. even straight from the garden.

And the last picture that I show is a nutmeg tree, this tree is known as a tree that produces nutmeg which is very useful.

In terms of making candied nutmeg and also nutmeg cake, even the fruit is one of the drugs to be used as a sprain medicine, when we are sprained and swollen, this drug is always sought after by sprained massage therapists.

So that's some of my explanations about the plants that I show that are around the house.
Hopefully it can be useful and entertained.

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