Apocalyptic Homesteading (Day 1272)

Hello Everyone!

Needing a better sleep cycle, Mulling quick fencing options, The driveway dilemma & Transplanting saplings!

Alright, I shifted my writing routine back by another thirty minutes... and am right on time this evening with getting started here. I am really unsure on whether or not I should even continue writing at night... because at this point it may be contributing to me being up so late each evening.

To be clear I just need to start maximizing my days better while I am packing everything down here... and especially so since the weather has been so stormy and I keep losing entire days to bad weather. Also, as I have stated numerous times before... I have to get on a better sleep cycle before I am living in a tent... whilst trying to build something habitable before the winter arrives.

Last night I drifted off to sleep around the same time that I did the night before (around two in the morning) which seems to be as early as I can fall asleep lately. My brain just keeps mulling over problem after problem, task after task that needs done, along with all the challenges ahead for me... and there is just no way that I have found to 'turn it all off' before exhaustion sweeps me off to sleep.

At least I managed to wake up early in the day... and even though it was pouring rain outside... I stayed up and did my best to do my Hive engagement routine before going down one rabbit hole after another looking at various building materials, storage units and sheds. Mainly I was looking at prebuilt privacy fence panels... which honestly are not all that bad of an option for a cheap and easy dog yard while I build an actual fence.

Early in the afternoon I contacted someone (who was recommended to me) about possibly putting in a short gravel driveway... either along the tree line at the new place... or just continuing the driveway that my neighbor put in. I would much rather get my own driveway put in because from the looks of the one that they had put in... all the gravel will just sink into the ground... because whoever did it just laid down white gravel without first creating an actual road bed with crusher run.

My main concern there (aside from someone doing shoddy work for a neighbor) is that even if I use their driveway only a few times... to get a moving truck in there and possibly get building materials and a shed dropped off... it would have a massive impact on that driveway. Then afterwards whatever perceived 'damages' (caused by the gravel sinking) would be viewed as my fault.

At the end of the day, I might just have to bite the proverbial bullet on that one and let the chips fall as they may... because I really do not think that I can fit in a driveway anywhere else. I will have a better idea of what is possible this weekend... because the fella that is going to give me a quote on creating the driveway is going to visit the place and call me while he is there.

Anyways, eventually the weather cleared up today and I was able to get outside... and the very first thing that I did (aside from cleaning up the dog yard) was to take that pole saw that I made recently... and trim a bunch of trees back on the sides and canopy of the road. All in all, I think that I got everything that might hit the moving truck... but there is a medium size pine tree that I may need to fell so that we can round one of the corners with the truck.

Once that was done, I changed gears and got a bunch of stuff that I had soaking (in bleach water) washed up and set out to dry. I also pulled a bunch of stuff out of the way in the shop tent... and got all the painted lumber moved from the sawhorses on the deck into the shop tent where I have all the other lumber stored.

After all that jazz... I set out with my little alpha dog, a shovel and the wagon to dig up some small cherry and persimmon trees... so that I could put them in some flower pots to see how well the transplanting works. By late in the day all their leaves were quite wilted looking... so I have no idea how well that they will hold up... which is part of why I did it now because if they fail I know that I will need to dig up other ones... and try to leave way more roots intact when I do.

Well, I am going to call this entry good enough and try to unwind for the evening. I hope that everyone is doing well. Ta ta for now.

They are not ripe yet but these are the first blackberries that I have seen this year!

This lizard that I saw today was super cool looking!

Thanks for reading!

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Cheers! & Hive On!

All content found in this post is mine!

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