Apocalyptic Homesteading (Day 1215)

Hello Everyone!

Sometime baths are too relaxing, Slowly improving my morale, Doggie dingle berries, The old dog dilemma & Inbound bad weather!

Alright, I am running about two minutes behind schedule this evening with my writing routine... and would most likely be even further behind if I had not made myself get out of the tub when I did. Taking those baths way more often than I am accustomed to is kind of nice... but whoa on some days it seems like they relax me too much... and I just want to either fall asleep in the tub... or curl up in the bed afterwards.

Last night I was up a few hours later than usual and had a heck of a time finally falling asleep... which I guess mainly had to do with not getting enough physical activity earlier in the day. All things considered, I am just glad that once I did manage to drift off that I slept soundly... and somehow even managed to wake up early afterwards.

Most of that (the sleep soundly) probably has to do with the uncertainty of 'where I am going to move to' evaporating... and although I still have a sense of uncertainty about my next scenario... it is much better than looking down the barrel of potential homelessness. Honestly, I am still feeling rather stunned (and shocked) by the turn of events... but at least my morale is improving and I can feel some optimism slowly 'creeping in around the edges' so to speak.

This morning, I got pretty sucked into doing a lot of stuff online... and although I did not do a whole lot of engagement on Hive... I did give it some effort. Although it does not have much to do with my 'engagement routine' I also tried to swap out some of my HIVE for BTC... but whoa nearly eight hours later the transaction still has not finalized.

Not to get too lost on that topic... but trying to time a cash out during the insane 'ups and downs' (price fluctuation) of the current BTC market... is a bit nerve racking to say the least. The odd thing is that the swap service that I am using has always been rather quick... and the delay in the process is really strange (compared to previous experiences) and although I have no doubt that my funds are safe... all that I can think is that the dramatic price fluctuation has something to do with it taking so long.

Anyways, it was a bit after noon today when I got motivated to start doing some more physical activities... and although I needed to work more on the packing... I turned my attention to cleaning out and mopping the cabin again. I also washed my old dog down... and trimmed away the numerous dingle berries that she had in her tail and hindquarters.

I know that I have not mentioned her much lately... but I am still helping her walk in and out of the cabin each day (and night) so she can use the bathroom and/or get some sunshine. She seems to have come to terms with her disability... and adjusted to the fact that she does not have the mobility that she used to have.

When it comes down to it, I just do not have the heart to euthanize her now that she has stabilized... and does not seem to be in any kind of discomfort. Occasionally she even manages to stand up (and sometimes walk a bit) on her own... but those times are few and far between... and having seen her recover several times before (then slide back into having discomfort) I know that it is just a matter of time before she starts having 'bad days' again.

Honestly, I am really 'on the fence' when it comes to euthanizing her... because I do not want to bury her at the place that I currently am... but at the same time I know that not only will the move itself be hard on her... but that 'starting from scratch' at the new place (in a tent) will be difficult on her, me and the other dogs. I did consider euthanizing her before the move and having her cremated... but doing that would deprive the other dogs of seeing their mom one last time... and understanding that she had passed away.

There just does not seem to be a good way to deal with it all... and yeah euthanizing her just because she has a disability seems kind of heartless to me. Thankfully, I still have roughly two months to figure out what is the best thing to do... but whoa it all wears on me in ways that I cannot even begin to describe with words.

On a different note, there is some severe weather moving into the area over the next few days... and then another cold snap that is going to hit early next week. Basically, the next several days are going to be really hit or miss with the weather... and I am unsure on just how much stuff that I can get done before it arrives.

My big goal is to (at the bare minimum) get a coat of paint on that lumber that I have stacked on the sawhorses before the rain arrives... but even failing that I will need to move it (and the horses) into the tent before that happens. I also need to get the lumber rack crammed back into the tent so that it does not get rained on... which means that I need to shuffle everything around in there to make enough space to accommodate everything.

I really should have put more effort into dealing with all that stuff the last few days... but I have just been feeling so incredibly run down that it has been hard to overcome the inertia to get in motion. Tomorrow I am hoping to squeeze in another supply run to stock up on food... and this time I think that I am even going to go to a larger grocery store... so that I do not have to overpay nor deal with the 'hit or miss' nature of the smaller stores inventory.

Since that bad weather is inbound (along with that cold snap) I am thinking to use that time to get everything that I can get packed down in the attic dealt with. My thinking is that I cannot only use the stormy/cooler weather to not 'sweat buckets' whilst working in the attic... but also take a few days to stuff my face with food and build my 'calorie bank' back up some.

Well, I think that is all the words that I have in me for this entry. I hope that everyone is doing well... and showing themselves the same degree of kindness that they show others. Ta ta for now.

Some wee cherry blossoms!

Thanks for reading!

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Cheers! & Hive On!

All content found in this post is mine!

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