Apocalyptic Homesteading (Day 1203)

Hello Everyone!

Another rainy day, Feeling rested, A shift in morale & Daydreaming about shipping containers!

Alright, I am right on time this evening with my writing routine... which is a good feeling to say the least. Given that I spent the bulk of the day cooped up indoors... being on time was not all that challenging... and I was even able to get the nightly espresso brewed without doing so competing with my start time.

I am really unsure when I went to sleep last night... but I think that it was a good bit earlier than the night before. When I awoke not that long before dawn I let myself drift off again... and wound up sleeping for another few hours before waking again and truly beginning my day.

Since it was raining outside, I did not even attempt to do much outdoors... and it was not until very late in the afternoon before the cloud cover broke and it got sunny out... for all of a thirty minute span before the skies growing dark again. Even with it raining on and off all day it would have been a nice day... if there was not such a chill to the air.

For the most part (aside from going on a hike) I just zoned out watching dull movies, eating food... and taking a bunch of naps. Between doing all those things I feel much more rested than I have in quite some time, I feel rather clear headed and my morale seems to be on the rise... so all things considered I am thankful for the timing of the rainy weather.

From the looks of the forecast I will have a few days of good weather ahead... and then it is set to turn rainy again for a few days. With that being the case, I am going to dive into the packing down process... and try to set things up so that I can use the net bout of rain to help wash some of my gear and containers off.

Hopefully, all the stuff that I currently have hung up (and strewn about) will have time to get dry before the rain returns... because it would be nice to be able to start repacking stuff. I also want to clean all the tools that I can... and although I like using olive oil in that process it was too pricey at the store... and I got some cheap canola oil instead.

At this point I need to try to get everything out of the shop tent, dismantle the lumber rack in there, clean the entire floor out (to get all the vermin waste out) and then make some temporary shelving... that can hold all the repacked gear. I really have no idea how I am going to achieve all of that (especially the shelving) but I kind of have to... so I have enough room in there to stage everything before the move.

Anyways, I have been trying not to focus too much on thinking about the new place... and have been getting my mind to be more focused on the pack down process. I have also been thinking long and hard on how to deal with the storage situation at the new site... and I am yet again thinking that a shipping container is the way to go.

The idea of being able to simply back a moving truck up to the doors of a shipping container... and unloading everything 'in one fell swoop' is beyond appealing. Also doing things that way would free up the carport tent... so that I could use it in my actual camp which would be awesome given how much space there is in it.

Although that tent would make for a good 'kitchen area' it would most likely serve multiple purposes... and might make for a good place to setup my outdoor tub and holding tank for water. I guess that if I wanted to get really crafty, I could also figure out a way to harvest rain water off of it... given that it does have a rather large roof area to collect rain from.

Well, I think that is all the words that I have in me for this entry. I hope that everyone is doing well... and taking the time to take care of themselves to the best of their means and abilities. Ta ta for now.

Just another overcast day!

Thanks for reading!

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Cheers! & Hive On!

All content found in this post is mine!

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