Apocalyptic Homesteading (Day 1178)

Hello Everyone!

The sun is setting later, Adding to the compost, Marginal exercise is still exercise & Leaving some leaves!

Alright, I am on time with the writing routine tonight... but am still waiting for my espresso to finish brewing before I really dive in here. As a side note, I am also thinking that I might actually need to start pushing my timeframe back a bit... due to the sun setting a little later in the day.

I really need to start maximizing the daylight hours while the winter is still ongoing (and the snakes are all still asleep) if I am going to achieve the goals that I have set for myself. Of course, I have been doing okay at it all for the most part... but I really need to buckle down over the coming weeks... and see what all I can get done.

Last night I fell asleep relatively early once again... and found myself waking up long before sunrise. I am unsure if I took a nap before the sun came up (or right afterwards) but I did squeeze in a thirty minute one at some point very early in the day.

Once things warmed up a bit outdoors, I set about getting all the dog waste cleaned up from the dog yard... and also emptying the bucket that I had filled with it (and some leaves) over the last few days. The leaves covering that latest compost mound (that I recently made) did not get nearly as matted down by the rain as I was hoping that it would... and I wound up just dumping that particular bucket on the backside of it... and more or less expanding the mound.

My back had quite the twinge to it after doing just the simple task of cleaning up the dog yard... so instead of doing more chores... I rested for a while until the discomfort had subsided a good bit. Since I do not want to get too out of shape by not getting in enough physical exercise (while my back heals) I went for a nice long hike afterwards... which although not as productive as doing chores... still got me some marginal amount of exercise.

For much of the day after that, I vegged out indoors until things warmed up even more... and it grew sunny outside. It was still a bit on the chilly side actually... but I went ahead and swapped the dog bedding out again. I also mopped the cabin floor (yet again) for I guess the second time this week now... which is way more cleaning than I am accustomed to doing.

Honestly, it was a bit of a wonky day after that... because I wound up taking another brief nap before zoning out reading stuff online and watching some post-apocalyptic survival oriented show. Then an hour or so before sunset I got motivated again, bundled up in some warm clothes... and cleaned up the bulk of the leaves from around the deck in the dog yard.

I dunno how many buckets of leaves I hauled to the compost mound... but this time I was careful not to remove all the leaves the way that I had done along the downhill fence-line. The reason for leaving the leaves, is because without at least a thin layer of them there the area would be prone to erosion... and would also become way more sandy than I want it to be.

Well, this is going to be another short entry because my brain is tired... and the espresso is not doing much to help me 'focus pocus' on the writing this evening. I hope that everyone is doing well... and not experiencing any form of housing, food or safety insecurity. Ta ta for now.

Obligatory image.

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Cheers! & Hive On!

All content found in this post is mine!

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