Apocalyptic Homesteading (Day 1168)

Hello Everyone!

More peculiar dreams, Plenty of rain, An inbound storm, Cleaning up other folks messes & Washing the stinky socks!

Alright, I am starting the writing routine before sunset today in an effort to get my schedule back on track... and also so that I do not spend too much of my evening writing. It has definitely been a bit nutty lately to spell things out after working outdoors for much of the day and while today is no exception... I just do not have it in me to struggle against the fatigue overly much.

There is also a big storm rolling in at the moment... so I figured that I should get all the late day chores done a bit earlier than usual... in order to not have to either attempt doing them as the storm blows in... nor later in the evening once it blows over. From the looks of things it is going to be quite the thunderstorm... but thankfully the radar is not showing any purple... and is only showing a lot of red and yellow with a large swath of green encapsulating the other colors.

It has actually rained a lot since last night when the first parts of the storm system arrived... and it even came down rather hard a few times throughout the day today. All the rain sure is nice but whoa at this point I really need to do a thorough cleaning of the cabin... given how much grit me and the dogs have tracked inside of it over the last few days.

Although I tried to get to bed at a reasonable hour last night... it was still kind of late before I drifted off... but thankfully not as late as I did the last few nights. I once again had a bunch of weird dreams... but this time all that I can recall is that I was building some kind of extremely advanced artificial intelligence framework that (as is the way in dreams) made total sense while I was asleep... but left me quite puzzled in regards to its inner workings upon waking.

Anyways, I wound up sleeping in because every time that I woke up it was raining... and even though I let the dogs in and out one time... I just went back to bed instead of getting up and brewing some espresso. Eventually, when I finally roused myself I was feeling quite rested... and after not finding anything to engage with on Hive I got outdoors in short order.

Lately a cleanup project had been nagging at me a lot... so I grabbed my gloves, my stainless steel utility scissors... and headed off into the woods pulling the wagon behind me. Not to get too caught up in explaining the why and how of things... suffice it to say that there was an old 'E-Z Up' shade structure that got tossed in the woods here... and I just could not stand the idea of it being there anymore.

Basically, I cut all the fabric loose on it with the scissors... and then with sheer brute force I broke all the metal parts on it into smaller pieces... so that they would all fit into the wagon. The whole process took me maybe an hour or so to accomplish... and honestly hauling it all uphill out of the woods in the wagon afterwards was the most strenuous part.

The entire time that I was doing it I kept wondering how much of my life over the last few decades that I have spent on cleaning up other folks messes, often of my own accord... with not even a 'thank you' to show for my efforts. Some things just have to be done... and aside from the damned 'E-Z Up' frame being a total eyesore... it was also a hazard for dogs given how much of a potential deathtrap that it was laying as it was on the ground.

On a different note. Once I got all that jazz done... I filled the outdoor tub about a quarter of the way full with hot water... and added almost half a cup of bleach to it before stirring it all up with what I call my laundry stick. I then got all the dirty socks that I could find (which was pretty much all my socks) and dumped them into the tub... before vigorously stirring them around with the stick for several minutes.

I really dislike washing the socks not only because they are often super stinky from my Muck boots... but also because no matter what I do they never quite seem to get all that clean. As I have said numerous times before... I just try to get them sterilized... and getting them even remotely 'clean' takes several washings to achieve which yeah is always a hassle.

Well, I think that is all the words that I have in me for this entry. I hope that everyone is doing well... and appreciates any conveniences that they might have in their life. Ta ta for now.

Bob the rooster is such a boss!

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Cheers! & Hive On!

All content found in this post is mine!

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