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Apocalyptic Homesteading (Day 1155)

Hello Everyone!

A brief entry, A day of dreaming, Leaving the water system offline, Very cold weather ahead & Yada yada!

Alright, I am beginning the writing a wee bit before sunset... so yup I am once again on time as far as my writing routine goes. Not that it matters or anything... because I think that by now I have cemented that routine into my overall day to day activities... and thus I can maybe quit beginning these entries in that fashion.

I awoke before dawn this morning but am unsure how long that I stayed up for... before falling back asleep again. If memory serves (which I am unsure if it does) I think that I got up (all the way) and brewed some espresso a few minutes after the first rays of light began illuminating the eastern horizon.

What I do know is that it was frigging chilly outside... and I am glad that I had warmed the cabin up with the heater before I finally went to sleep last night. It seems like as long as I do that for a final time (after the last time that I let the dogs out and back in) that the place stays rather cozy for the remainder of the night.

Honestly, the place seems to get (and remain) a bit too warm when I use the heater for an extended period of time. I often find myself having to either open the window slightly, turn on the fan in the wall unit air conditioner, open the attic door... or some combination of all three to make it bearable... which yup is a little odd to be doing on those below freezing nights.

Speaking of which... tonight it is not supposed to freeze... but I left the water system offline... because I just did not feel like hiking around today and fiddling with it all. From the looks of things there is going to be one more day of reasonable weather... and then two very cold days following that... so I will need to bring it back online tomorrow and fill all my water jugs before all that happens.

Anyways, the day was rather uneventful and all that I really achieved was sleeping all day... and resting up to the best of my ability to do so. The funny thing is that I was not even all that tired... but wanted to 'get lost in my mind' and do some dreaming to see what emerged.

Do not worry because I will not be spelling any of that out in this entry... but suffice it to say that the dreams were once again 'interesting' to say the least. I know that folks tend to want to interpret dreams and all that... but recently I keep thinking of something that popped into my head a few days ago... and have not been able to shake since then: I do not interpret dreams. Dreams interpret me.

I will leave it up to the reader to figure that out (or not) but suffice it to say that (as I have stated before) dreams are merely experiences that I have whilst asleep. Perhaps there are some folks that can understand what that means... but I also know that it will be absolutely lost on most... and especially those whom put way too much stock in their 'waking' experiences being 'the begin all and end all' of conceptual reality.

On that note I am going to close this very brief entry with a Terence McKenna quote (that I am fond of) which goes like this: Reality is merely an unconfirmed rumor brought to us through the medium of language.

Obligatory image for your viewing pleasure!

Thanks for reading!

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Cheers! & Hive On!

All content found in this post is mine!