the banana tree beside the guesthouse has started to bear fruit

Hello hiver friends, I love all of you. I hope you are doing well today and of course better than yesterday for all of you in this largest community. all of you who are always active in this beloved community for all of you.
At this meeting I will show something for all of you in this community, of course, who are always active here.

I have been doing my work in agriculture for a long time and I have so many plants next to my house that I plant there and I as a farmer, of course, I always do agriculture at this time, which I do for our needs, especially in our family. because we are a family of farmers in the village today who always depend on the current agricultural sector that I do next to my current homestead.

And even here I plant banana trees which I do intensively and organic fertilization or compost that I give to my banana plants so that the banana plants can be as fertile as expected and it turns out that the banana trees that I plant are so fertile and so does the stuff. the big ones are tall and full. and the leaves are so green. and I was so happy when I saw the banana tree next to my house had started to bear fruit and the fruit was very good and so big and long, I was very happy and happy to see the bananas bearing fruit. and This fruitful banana is the horn banana that I planted.

I am very happy to be able to see the results of my hard work in agriculture today, which has always been my work in agriculture in accordance with my father's work since I was small. And now I have followed in my father's footsteps in agriculture and I am so very happy continue to work in the field of farming at this time and I never give up before I succeed in my field of work as a farmer.

That's all from me now and meet again with the next post, of course, in this community, of course. And thank you for visiting my new blog, I hope this is useful.

Camera usedHandphone
LocationAceh indonesia
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