My Biggest Homestead Fail

This has been one of the biggest failures on the homestead since starting. I know I’m going to pay the price for it come winter. I admit this got away from me even though it was my first focus point when I moved into the homestead 8 months ago.

So far on the homestead I’ve done a lot of cleaning and fixing up this old farm house. I’ve also had to have contractors over to fix neglect of the house. I’m glad that is finally behind me, at least for now as there are other projects that do need to get done but are not priority.

I also fixed up the chicken coop and at first started with 11 leghorn chickens, one being a rooster! Adopted 4 other chickens for now 15 total. I’m not prepared for so many eggs lol

I also shared the story of getting my jersey cow here on the homestead who’s pregnant and expecting a baby in September. All of the delicious milk she provides and as of a few days ago stopped milking to get her body ready for the baby to come.

There’s been a lot and it’s why it’s gone by so fast and why I missed getting the garden ready and producing. It’s a mistake I won't make again next year.

My plans for next year are to get more raised garden beds built and lay out a plan for what crops I want to grow in them. This plan will help me with timing for growing seeds in the greenhouse and then transplanting them to the garden beds.

The little bit of garlic I planted has come in and the wild blackberries and raspberries have also produced. Grateful for having at least a small bit of a garden this year. The raspberries freeze dried taste amazing!

Thank you for joining me on my homesteading journey. Through the ups and downs, wins and failures it's all part of learning and bettering oneself. Appreciate you all <3

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