Predawn Grain Run, Spreading Grain, PDC, Spring Storms, Puffed Turkey, Kraken - Thursday

I had a fairly large load of grain to pickup yesterday morning. I was out the door before 5am and was able to catch the first glow of dawn to the east as I drove.


There was 5 and a partial barrels waiting for me with 3 of them having been there quite a while as I was never told they were waiting. It took some work to get it all to fit but I managed and soon I was heading for home.


Dawn was glowing brighter as I began my drive home. Part way I had to stop as the bed liner came loose so I had to re-strap it down. I was lucky it didn't wing off the trailer.


I got home and parked the truck until it was time to take the boys to school. The birds had been out for a while and were all piled into the trailer scratching around the grain. After taking the boys to school, on my way back home I stopped along the road to spread the grain. I got another good coating over the hillside and still had a bit left in the liner.


To appease the sheep I dumped the rest out in their pen so they would get some nibblins. The birds massed onto the small pile as well and the sheep had to push them off to grab mouthfuls.


Mid day the PDC was on and in the end Asp won the night against Smith. It was nice to see MVG lose again.


This line of storms was heading our way and it was a pretty solid line on the doppler. It was moving rather slow as it rolled along. There was a pretty big dust devil to the west of Spokane but the worst we got was some wind and a bit of rain.


The sky was SUPER dark to the west.


Before the storm hit I was checking on the turkeys and saw one of the little toms was practicing his puffing up. He was starting to strut and his chest was puffed up like a normal tom. This one's starting a bit earlier than others.


It then rained for about an hour but it wasn't as hard of a rain as the doppler made it look like it would be. Nicely it stopped as I was heading to pick the boys up from school.


The Kraken's last game came on earlier as they were playing in Minnesota. As has been their M.O. this year they ended up winning the game that didn't matter one bit for either team. When it mattered and counted they shit the bed but when the pressure is all off...


We made it out to soak while the sun was still up and then headed in to watch an episode before bed.


Today is prep day for travel. I have to get the topper on my truck, lists made, things packed, boys from school as @stryeyz is taking them this morning, PDC Euro tour is on, it's BTC halving day so will be turning my S9 down, J has running club so will pick him up later, then I will get a fire going in the pit to grill for dinner.

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