GPS, Chiro, The Great Foaming, The Morons, Greenhouse, Motor Driver, Dentist, Wrestling - Monday

That was a pretty crazy day yesterday for me. I don't normally have that many appointments and tasks that require me to leave the farm so many times in one day but I think I might have broke my record. I got the boys to school for my first excursion which meant dealing with the complete morons who are working at the intersection making it a very dangerous situation. That was trip 1.

Then I had my chiro appointment and I got my #LoRa gps strapped onto a lipo cell and took it with me. It was SUPER cool to watch it as I drove and it kinda was accurate on the speed, unless my truck is less accurate... I'm nearing the end of my treatment plan and this week is my last of 3 days a week appointments. After the chiro I stopped at North 40 to pickup a couple cans of spray foam and a gate latch. That was trip 2.


As I was turning of the highway to our road the complete assholes who set out the traffic signs had put the flagger sign in the middle of our turn lane. I slammed the truck to stop and then yarded the stupid sign out of the lane and off the side so people had a place to decelerate from 70 mph and not get rear-ended or cause a wreck or major slowdown. @stryeyz sent the county an email regarding the idiocy but likely it won't do any good, you can't fix stupid. The insane thing to me is they could have waited 1 WEEK and school would be on spring break and there would be less than half the traffic issues....

Once home I headed out to studio A and brought a couple silicone straws that one fit inside the other and gave me extra length and also more pressure. I blew all the debris and dust out from the gap beneath the wall before I emptied the can.


I made sure to blast the full can into the gaps. All around the section I built I sprayed the foam and it exploded back out in many places.


There was a couple openings by the concrete that I filled and then the very last bits of the can got emptied atop the wall section and I let the foam just fill in a bit behind the sheetrock.


I will go back and trim all the foam down and get sheet rock up on it today or tomorrow. It did WONDERS for the draft that was blowing through the crack and also blocks off mouse entry points.


So I have been trying to get the LoRa GPS unit to work for a microcontroller like the Arduino but it has a lot fewer i/o ports and in my rummaging through various code I happened upon the TB6600 motor driver and found code that is WAY WAY easier that looks like it will be the perfect fit. It gets here today along with a handful of micro servos that will unlock the coop door in the morning before it opens. I took a minute to get my clothes in the wash amongst the melee of a day.

Then I went to pick R up from school, again having to deal with the idiot construction scene, for trip 3. Once home I had a little while before having to pick J up and I moved the banana plants out to the greenhouse. The spinach are nicely sized as well as the lettuce which both now can provide baby greens.


I then picked J up from running club which won't happen again until after spring break. This was trip 4 off the farm.


Then @stryeyz was not long from getting home when I had to go to my dentist appointment to get my new crown glued on. It went on really quickly without any anesthetic, thankfully. In less than half an hour I was out and on my way home. This is a rarity to see a train on the tracks by the bypass. I had noticed some cars in the old Kaiser area and was wondering about it until I saw the engines. The spur is rarely used. I was home not long after for trip 5.


Nicely the boys were working on dinner when I got home and it was softer food so I wasn't testing my crown right away. We ate and then I was off the farm for the 6th trip to take R to wrestling practice. Many kids aren't going to the insane tournament this weekend so likely just stopped practice so there were only 6 kids there. R wanted @stryeyz to pick him up so I head for home and she went back up to bring him home. Their last practice is Wednesday.


I have the code working now on the Arduino Mega and the servo code slid in nice and easy. I compile with no errors so the big thing will be once it is all wired together if everything talks nice. I've got to find a case to mount the setup in but getting it working first is the priority.


Today I only have to drop the boys off and pick them up at school so am happy for that. I really hope my order delivers sooner than later so I can get this setup built, I'll shave the foam down, I have to install insulation before I can put the sheetrock up, dig the sheetrock out of the coop and install it, and then figure out something for dinner tonight.

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