Update On My Garden

Good evening everyone,how are you all. Have been gone for a whole due to some personal reasons I got free today and just wanted to use this opportunity to share an update about my garden.
It been a while since have been able to check on my garden,finally got an opportunity today over her we are getting closer to December when there is usually dry air know as the Harmattan period
I checked up on my lemon first because out of all I use them the most and it has helped on various occasions,they have started to bring out another set they look so bright and juicy.

The next was my pumpkin,this pumpkin produces a leave which serves as vegetable here in my country its called Pumpkin leaves in English language while its called "ugwu" in yoruba language it can be used to cook foods and sometimes used as medicines.

Pumpkin leaf

The next is my aloe vera plant they have never for once disappointed me this aloe plant would be up to at least 3 years or more by now the more the growth the more the freshness,aloe vera as help me in moisturizing my face on different occasions.

My cassava plants are growing really tall I can sense it will soon be time for harvest.

And of course my moringa plant they are always growing as well and they are of good use when it comes to helping the health,I just wash the leaves and eat them with and process,I only process it when I want to make a drink.

Had to check on my fig tree too it produces a very sweet fruit how could I not check on it. Besides it was mentioned in the bible so it must be a very important tree I have to make sure it survives.

Recently I just transplanted a plantain crop it germinating well plantain is one of the highest planted crops in my country because it can be used for various purposes
Like flour,ice cream,cooking am very sure there are some other things am yet to discover.

My tangerine plant is yet to produce any fruits yet am waiting patiently till I finally see it produce fruits.

***The most suitable and advisable option presented in my country is to get s farmland or garden where you can plant you fruits and vegetables to make things much more easier.
Thank you for stopping by,have a lovely night

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