Operation Javali

Source: www.mundoecologia.com.br
(Javali = wild boar in Portuguese)

I always considered Wild Boars to be the real owners of the land of which I only see myself as a steward of. when I was recently asked if I hunt any for meat I replied that our farm is actually a wildlife sanctuary where no hunting takes place.
we are surrounded by hunting grounds. in order to protect both wildlife and its dwindling habitat we even insist on not having any domestic animals, especially cats who kill birds, moles, mice etc. just for the fun of it.
we also insist of keeping the dense natural shrub present (mainly Spartium junceum and Adenocarpus complicatus) intact in order to maintain those habitats.
I can pass hours watching #FeatheredFriends flying in and out, where they feed, nest, shelter.

being surrounded so closely by nature also brings its challenges.
recently, a large male boar settled in with us and is reeking havoc mainly on and along our perimeter dry stone walls.

Arum Maculatum. grows mainly along stone walls where the soil was never disturbed and under foliage. this plant have had a very good season and is thriving. it is highly prized by the boars. they dig it up and eat the bulb and part of the soft stalk.

I have been assessing damages, checking possible entry points, considering solutions.
while walking through the scrub, I found the spot where this boar made his bed, under a large Cork Oak (Quercus suber), marked with the yellow arrow.

car tires, even though not environmentally friendly, have been proven to be an effective way to repel boars. it is actually the only method we have used in the last 5 years that actually work. we use tires around recently planted trees so as to give them a chance to establish.

the red arrows in the above map mark possible entry points where the stone wall is either low enough to cross or none existent. I am considering using tires at these points to create an unattractive barrier. I assume one or two tires at each point should do the trick.
they somehow seem to have an odor that is very appalling for these beings that depend heavily on their sense of smell.

the yellow stars in the above map represent points where damage was encountered. the star marked with the number one is where the dry stone wall collapsed due to the powerful burrowing.
the following two stars show how close to the house and both veggie garden and nursery the boar has been foraging for his favorite food.

I always see the bright side in everything and am very grateful knowing damage could have been far worse.

Source: https://www.ehow.com.br/comprar-pneus-velhos-como_77367/
the first step I have taken was to place a tire at the spot where the boar made his bed. steps ahead would be to bring more tires and spread them strategically in those points above mentioned and observe the results.


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