Building my house on the hill

This is a photographic journey telling the story of the most inspiring project I ever dared to bring to life. It started on August 23rd. 2021 when a couple of good neighbors came over to help me unload a truck full of timber. besides help carrying the heavy roof panels, I have been doing all the work single handed which is sometimes challenging but forces me to be creative.
building permits ? no. I learned that if you ask for permission, you are risking getting a no as an answer..

estimated budget up to date under 3000 Euros.

leveling off for the back side of the house, supported by gravel filled tyres

digging for foundations


quality control

placing the roof. I will thank me for that in summer !

Snailing the heavy roof panels to place

Starting the double floor, sheep wool insulated

washing and drying the sheep wool

we could not resist and just had to sleep in the house

the next day the aliens also came to check it out

as a way of blessing the house and ensuring good vibrations we have had a yoga session followed by meditation

then it was time for wall frames

Then paneling

and then it was rain forecast !

to be continued...!

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love and light


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