I just bought a week old poultry birds to rear towards the Easter celebration.


When I took the step to start raising poultry birds for my own use and for sale if the need arise I didn't expect the king of good outcome that I got with zero

recorded cases of death among the birds and with good sale from the birds that I had placed on the market and looking at this result i decided to go again but with the

difference in age of the birds when I first brought them in, the birds I first brought in were a month old which probably explains the reason why the death rate was at zero and the fact that there was no bird infection during the period that i raised them but now i will be dealing with birds that are way more younger and I hope for the same outcome.



The bird cage has to be packaged to meet up with their needs and there are special care that will be giving to the birds to make sure that they get the best possible environment to thrive and for now I am trying to put all that in place.

The timing for these birds was planned in such a way that they will be ready once it is easter and this will definitely reduce the weight of getting meat for the Easter celebration just like it helped me during the Christmas festive celebration.

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