California Papaya Varieties

hello friends how are you all today, may you always be given health, and happy weekend, today I will try to review some things about plants for us to cultivate together in the environment around our homes, and share knowledge with each other.

one of them is papaya, the type of papaya that I planted this time is the California variety, the California papaya type is one type of papaya that is currently widely cultivated by farmers
California papaya has its own characteristics and advantages, the fruit is not too large and weighs ranging from 0.8 to 1.5 kg, this California papaya variety is a superior type, the tree is stunted or relatively shorter than other papaya varieties.

how to plant papaya correctly and correctly, first we make a planting hole first then we give organic fertilizer and basic fertilizer in the form of TSP or phosphorus then we leave it for a week or two we do this for fermentation so that the soil becomes more fertile,

California papaya types can be harvested after 8 to 9 months, the tree can bear fruit up to 4 years old, and in one month it can be harvested up to 4 times,

for the care of this type of papaya it is very easy to do, we fertilize papaya regularly when the age begins to harvest or the age of 8 to 9 months and above we do this so that it bears heavy fruit and the resulting fruit is of high quality,

Pests found on Californian papaya trees are generally infected with mealybugs if we let this reduce production yields, to control this mealybug pest when the conditions are very severe, we must use chemical pesticides to control it

ok friend thank you
greetings plant lovers greetings gardening
hopefully useful.

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