RE: Making Homemade Butter from Our Cow's Milk

Wow!! That is a lot of milk that the cows can produce! Our cow produces about 2 gallons a day which is perfect for us. We usually drink 1.5 gallons a day between the 8 of us and then use the rest for yogurt after a few days of it piling up. Ha! We have a few acres here in Panama and our cow is happy during rainy season. She does ok during dry season as well, but thankfully it doesn't last too long. We have the help of a local farmer if it is something beyond what we know about cows (which isn't much). My husband does all the milking and I do all the washing of the milker after and dealing with the milk. It works well! Ha! I tried in the US to have the kids shake a jar with cream in it, but it took forever. There were multiple sites online how to do it and each said a different thing - freezing cold cream or lukewarm cream. I think we finally ended up with some butter, but they never wanted to do it "by hand" again. ;)

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