Sunday Multivitamins | Got My Sleep

Finally I have been relieved of so many stresses that has been haunting me over the weeks. From headache to sleeping only 4 hours daily only. I have been trying to get some good sleep but everytime I hit the 4 hour mark, I will definitely wake up no matter what time I started my sleep. So for the past few weeks I have been sleeping at 10pm and waking up at round 2 to 3am and I couldn't get back to sleep anymore. It was bad.

Luckily, I finally resolved certain issues with management and my bad supervisor last Friday which gave me a huge relief as though a burden has been lifted and you know what? I can finally sleep soundly at night these days.

Before I went for the meeting, I had a little prayer because I know that time and time again, God WILL uphold the righteous. I asked Him for wisdom, to say the right words and for protection. He has done that for me countless times when people were threatening or has a conflict with me. Something that is beyond human intervention. The meeting surprisingly went really well, and I believe God was there with me throughout.

After being lockdown for a year now, haven't been to any church and this reminded me that God works beyond those four walls and that He is constantly living inside of us, watching us and protecting us as His children.

Now I need to get up and look for food. It's late lunch. Hope you have a great week ahead.

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