Crafting 4 Christmas | Part 7 | Sledge made from wooden sticks | DIY

Crafting 4 Christmas part 7.png


For a while I've been wanting to craft a sledge from popsicle sticks, but so far I've been postponing this due to the very simple fact that I hate sawing stuff. Yesterday I decided to ask if my other half was willing to saw the parts needed, which he did. Those hands you see in the pictures below belong to him. Thanks for the help, babe!

The initial idea was to create the same sledge I found in an image somewhere and once saved in my folders, so that's how I start the tutorial, but at one point my daughter requested that she could use the sledge for her dolls in the doll house and therefore I slightly adapted the way I put it together. No worries, I only used parts that were "extra" after my boyfriend had sawn the sticks.

The process

sledge from popsicle.png

sledge from popsicle1.png

sledge from popsicle2.png

sledge from popsicle3.png

sledge from popsicle4.png

sledge from popsicle5.png

sledge from popsicle6.png

sledge from popsicle7.png

sledge from popsicle8.png

The end result


I had to take a picture while hanging before my daughter confiscated the sledge to use it in her dollhouse. Not too bad for a first time craft with wood.

Hopefully, you enjoyed this part, I sure did and I'm quite sure that I will start crafting more decorations using these sticks in the future. See you next time!

Previous Parts Of Crafting 4 Christmas

Part 1: Christmas tree from cardboard
Part 2: Felt Christmas tree ornament
Part 3: Christmas Card from cardboard and foam
Part 4: Felt Gingerbread man Ornament
Part 5: 3x Cinnamon Tree Christmas Ornament Tutorial
Part 6: Felt Elf Christmas Hat Ornament

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