What Does Hive Mean To Me


image by @manoldonchev

A hive is a collection of busy workers
content producers and one queen bee.
Nectar becomes honey, honey becomes money
And benefits go around for one and all

Hive is more of a loose confederation of swarms,
a collection of busy workers, content producers
and a great many queen bees

This little old lady
did not come to Steem
to be a warrior
so I complacently did
as I was told.

I moved to Hive

“Buh Bye”
I said dully to my departing home.

So what does Hive mean to me?

I have suddenly lost one home,
been crowded into an outhouse of another,
am tasked with the upkeep of both,
and have to perform a great many more keystrokes
just to get into either.

Thanks for asking.

As I watched The Cuomo Show today, I got a sudden hankering to write a poem about coronavirus, which I consider to be but one giant and voluntary step toward the fruition of Agenda 2030.

This poem asked to be written instead. It did not just pop out; my poems never do. I worked on it for several hours.

Now that you know what Hive, so far, means to me, I will go on to discuss what changes I would like to see made so that it becomes a kinder place for new and small accounts. There are two things that HF21/22 brought to us that harmed the smaller and newer accounts quite a bit. They have both been retained in HF23 as far as I can tell.

The first of these is the upvote curve. Please have the mathematics devs take a look at the function's behavior as it nears the origin on the cartesian plane, because that there has made it nearly impossible for newbies to make even a tiny amount of Steem, and now also of Hive. The object of this initiative, like all the others, is to attract people to move to our block. It would behoove us to allow newbies to make a few more pennies on a post that took them all day or two or three to write.

Then there are the downvotes. I know, I know, a lot of you think these are a dandy idea but from where I stand they have done nothing but cause animosity and strife, like most negativity does. They have, most distressingly, made me fearful to speak my mind, as I have in this post. We'll see.

In my opinion, there is never a good reason to rob the earnings of a producer for the good of all, just as there is never a good reason to deprive humans of their freedoms for the safety of all.

I have no idea what DAO means. That's for the busy workers to answer, not the content producers, or not for this one at least.

I hope you have found some value in my musings, and I thank you for reading them.

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This is my entry to @theycallmedan's initiative to bring more folks to Hive.

The image is one of many marvelous photos our very own @manoldonchev has provided for our use.
Here's the link to his collection.



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