What is NewNormal to Children?


I think everywhere in the world is affected by this pandemic. Maybe others went back to normal since they have money to fight it. Also, nothing is impossible when money does the work. This pandemic, as long as it can be curable, will be easy for other rich countries. It's like that and it's like human life in this world. You can't do anything but live with it since it's here already.


The pandemic is scary of course especially for those adults who are conscious enough of its threat to each life. Though some are getting used to it and not being afraid too much like the last time. The problem is the health protocols that are unreal. Limiting someone to go out and some are not allowed to go out. For adults, it's fine because they're old enough to understand. What about the children? What about them that is nothing in mind but to play with friends.


Last year I was in one of the Cities in Cebu, Philippines. That was the time the pandemic started. Insane restrictions that even going outside to buy food was not allowed if you didn't have papers to show. I witnessed how lonely the streets were back then. I didn't feel any ghosts that were roaming around in the streets but I wondered why it was so cold back then. Simply because the happy faces from the people who made the place warmer were unable to be found. The tempting happiness of the children being in the street was nowhere to be seen.


When I was there I thought how pity seeing the children that could be seen over the window and outside the door. The only way they could enjoy what was outside was just watching from inside their houses. It felt very sad, I thought it was like killing someone slowly. You know Cities, the population is insane compared to provinces. That's why they're not allowed to go outside and enjoy life as a child.


When I arrived home, our small village was located in the province. I felt moved and I didn't realize I was smiling alone. Oh no, don't think I was crazy back then. It's just that even though how stupid the world has become. I saw children outside playing like how it should be before. In fact, it continues until now.


For the past few days, I witnessed the children having fun outside. There was a typhoon but since the sky was covered with clouds. They kept playing through their heart's content. It's very refreshing seeing the children were like this. No matter how poisonous the world is now, there's still a cure that can only be found and that's from the children.


I don't know what they're playing but it's like baseball. Of course, they didn't have the ring the same as playing official baseball. Just the ball and the bat with friends to make it happen.

Thank you for reading

edited image through canva

*All content is my own unless otherwise noted

If images are being recycled, I just found it fitted to my article.*



Paul is the name but prefers to be called mrnightmare that feels like living in the dream. A country boy and a dreamboy (dreamer) who likes to stay in a small village even though it means abandoning the future to become a seaman. The passion is writing but not sailing in the vast ocean. Don't wonder if the face will not be shown, this is better where the words can flow smoothly. Come, have fun with me talking about life events and random activities. It's fun to learn about life, don't hesitate, let's figure it out as we continue enjoying staying in this world.




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