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We have a very large visitor 🚢 and someone is having her first hangover 🤒 🍷🍸🤮

I have a poorly daughter who has been sick and stuck in bed all day, I am showing no sympathy as it was self inflicted drinking to much. She's 23 and never gets hungover but this morning she is ill, told her the older you get the worse the hangovers become, next time will be worse, she said she is never going to get drunk again... JOB DONE I think the lockdown is starting to pull her and her boyfriend down. This Virus is going to be the cause of a lot of Mental Health problems.

Still in lockdown is starting to grind on me a bit, I don't want to watch my daughter pine for her boyfriend, she looks so sad some days as he is also feeling it. We keep hoping this Vaccine is going to get us back some normality, when?.. well I don't have a clue, Boris keeps giving us dates but I still haven't heard of anyone I know getting an injection.

We have a lovely big visitor to our town at the minute, The Azura Cruise ship, Its docked so close to me, there are only crew members aboard as the ship is in for maintenance work. This photo was taken from our local paper The Gazette. Its so big it has 4 swimming pools.

This is what I can see from my bedroom:

I would love to be able to go on a cruise once we are allowed out but scared still of the water underneath, I have always been afraid of water, I never go out of my depth and prefer to spectate rather than go in. I nearly drowned when I was 18, first holiday abroad to Benidorm lying in front of the pool 2 lads came over picked me up then threw me in the deep end, I couldn't get my head above the water so gave in, thankfully one of my friends that was with me on holiday jumped in and saved me. I lose all sense of direction when under the water.

Its been a quite day here, not allowed out no where to go its starting to feel like we are in Prison. I still think Boris will tighten up the lockdown, he has at started to monitor people coming in to the UK, they have to have a Negative result then quarantine for 10 days. He is always late getting the precautions under way. If only he had acted earlier we wouldn't be in the mess we are in now.

That's me done for the day, time for bed. Night Friends. 🤗