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A few of my flowers from garden 2020 as its such a nasty day ๐ŸŒงโ˜”๐Ÿƒ๐ŸŒฌ with a little Christmas gift buying.๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ„

Its been a nasty day here weather wise, so much rain and very strong winds. I try not to think how my garden is doing as I haven't been out there for a while, I started cleaning it up ready for the Winter, then hubby was off work after his hernia operation, I thought that once he started to feel better and do more around the house I would be able to finish the garden, (Nothing ever goes to plan). I then fell down my stairs all of them hurting my back then being laid up for a few days. I have felt a little less pain in my back, I think I am moving better, hopefully will see a big difference over the weekend. I have been told off so much about carrying things downstairs, I MUST HOLD BOTH BANNISTERS FROM NOW ON.

Ever since I had the bad fall I keep reliving the fall in my head, now have a real hate for stairs and want to move to a bungalow. It has made me very war where and how I place my foot just in case of another fall. I have to keep telling myself your 56 not 96.

Anyway here is a photo of a few of my beautiful flowers from garden 2020 the year that we would all like to forget.

Its nice to be able to look back and see what I grew over the Summer as I usually try and do better but with my health problems and now my back I am going to have to scale back garden 2021 a lot. I do still intend to grow my favourite Summer flower, A Sunflower I love watching these grow from a single seed to a beautiful flower that attracts my little friends the Bee's and Butterflies.

I will be very happy with a garden full of the above in 2021. I tried to save the seeds from them but took the heads off to soon losing all the seeds, I will try again next year and be a little more patient with them.

I still have my annual pots to look after:


I have had these for a couple of years hopefully they will come back next year bigger and better.

With it being such a bad day we didn't have anything planned not that we can do anything as we have been in Lockdown then straight on to tier 3 which isn't much better than lockdown but now we have Vaccines arriving in our country we may just get back some normality next year unless the vaccine turns us into Zombies, Nothing would surprise me this year. I shopped online for more Christmas presents. I am not spending what I usually spend at Christmas, this year has shown all of us that like is very short and saving money is the better idea as we never know what is around the corner.

I have made a Christmas list of who I will buy for then what I will buy for them, I don't have a lot of people to buy for. Me and hubby are buying each something we both use in the house. Hubby has bought a timed Coffee maker, we love our coffee's plus this one has a timer where hubby can time to coffee pot to start grinding and brewing the beans ready for him getting up in the morning before work saving him a little time. I am looking for a OnePot for the kitchen, this machine lets you do all your cooking in one pan, this will save us both a lot of time and cleaning up will be so much easier.

That's me done for another day, a little late posting today. Ready for bed and hopefully a better night sleep.:)