A Blast From the Past

Image by AnneIleino from Pixabay

Opening a package from an organization that regularly sends donation material to me for a response, this time my face lit up when I noticed several useful items contained therein, such as holiday themed: 2020 monthly, general and desk calendars; crossword puzzle booklet; peel and stick labels;

And the last item being:

The Old Farmer's 2020 Almanac
by Robert B. Thomas
Founded in 1792

2020 Old Farmers Almanac.jpg

A blast from the past! A remnant from my childhood. Just like the old General Store I used to visit with my parents to buy feed for our chickens.

The Old Farmer's Almanac is a treasure trove of useful information, tips, and even recipes. Not just for farmers, this publication is for everyone. The definition of an Almanac is:

"An annual publication that sets forth events for the upcoming year. Normally set out in a calendar month style, it usually includes information for farmer's planting schedules, rising tides, celestial figures, home remedies, and other occurrences. Each month is packed with information pertaining to that month." Source2

I remember my parents driving to the old General Store from where we lived on the edge of town. The place itself was a wonderful experience for us. We were only interested in the penny candy, fruits, and nuts. But my mom was there for two items: chicken feed and the Old Farmer's Almanac.

The Old Farmer's Almanac. My mom literally lived by the information contained within those pages. She wouldn't start planting her vegetable gardens until she read it. I remember her reading it for hours, place it on her nightstand, then return to re-read it again, as though she missed something or just for reassurance.

She would then ask us to read it to her. I suspect she was attempting to get us interested in the publication. I resisted at first, but once I started reading it, I was drawn to information about the seasons, stars and planets.

I could say that was the beginning of my interest in astrology. After that, I'd find and read my horoscope every day.

Why not pick up a copy of The Old Farmer's Almanac today! It's sold locally in most grocery and other outlets. But what I didn't know was that it is now online here. What this charity organization did was to customize it for their company. What a great advertising tool to distribute to your customers or potential clients.



Happy rest of the week everyone with whatever your endeavors.

a) JustClickin logo created at CoolText.Com
b) Unless otherwise noted, all photos taken by me with my (i) Samsung Galaxy 10" Tablet, (ii) Samsung Phone, & (iii) FUJI FinePix S3380 - 14 Mega Pixels Digital Camera
c) Purple Butterfly part of purchased set of Spiritual Clip Art for my Personal Use
d) Separator Lines Free ClipArt Belt from Public Domain Vectors & ShadedLine from ClipArt-Library
e) All Tribe logos used with permission of Tribe Discord Channel admins.
Source1 "The Old Farmer's 2020 Almanac Compliments of Boys Town Charity Organization" received by @justclickindiva
Source2 definition of "Almanac" taken from Wikipedia






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