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Election day USA and I’m OK

The most unstable week of the year has arrived. It’s the USA election day today and I am hiding in my mountain cave to wait it all out. What a mad year 2020 has been. March saw the arrival of pandemic and lockdown by from the global government. Now we see the civil war that is going on in USA, the top country on the planet. Will their virus of unrest spread to the rest of the world?
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Although I’m far away from USA, still the outcome of the election there will affect me and everyone else on the planet because USA has the world global currency and the biggest military as well as the power of influence over global events.

But I wonder if the civil unrest in USA will spread around the world? We already see BLM and Antifa destroying America from the inside. And those terrorist groups have supporters all over the world now. Perhaps the paid activists will foment more terrorism wherever they choose.

Here in my surreptitious South Africa we also have our terrorists using arson and murder to terrorize the citizens. So it’s all over the world right now. Madness from the world powers and madness in the streets of most towns and cities. It may be engineered or it may be just too much sun. One way or the other, today’s events will shape the world for us all.

The USA election may stretch out over several days by the looks of it, so I don’t expect to hear a winner in 24 hours. The powers that be will have to fight it out over a few days, and apparently the terrorist groups will be providing civil war, whomever wins. Why let a good election go to waste? Here is their chance for chaos once more.

Interestingly the National Guard or government military, is out in full force in the streets of America now, to enforce peace. Such is life during this most unsettled time in global history. Peace is over, it’s gone for most, due to war and disease and also government crime of course. I can still do my own thing here in free and easy South Africa, so I will carry on, while keeping calm.

The summer is arriving here. Nothing like the historic record-breaking cold going on in the northern hemisphere. Covid cases are down, the false pandemic alarm has been seen through as a false alarm and a deliberate hoax upon humanity. This is what all my friends have discerned here in straight forward South Africa. But I won’t ramble on about my personal educated findings because they may conflict with others, so in the name of peace, I say no more for now.

I simply wish the world peace and goodwill now, over the most disturbing time in our modern history. The tipping point is here and today is the “Mercury stationary direct” day. On election day. Just a coincidence. Mercury stops its retrograde movement in the heavens, from our geocentric point of view, and goes forward or “direct” once more after three weeks of retrograde motion. A good time for a Gemini sun sign, like President Trump, astrologers would say.

I expect the worst and simultaneously hope for the best. Today I am relaxing to the max. It’s a max relax day. No worries. No problems. Life is fine, fit and well fed. And that is how it has been all the time and will continue. All the rest is just the madness of the world around me in the distance. Lockdowns, viruses, elections, none of it bothers me or affects my lifestyle in any way.
I still have great health, food, home and money to continue my permanent holiday lifestyle here in secret South Africa. The world can carry on with its shenannigans. It does not affect me personally. If and when I start seeing looting in my town. Or food runs out, or the world goes to war, then I may put down my holiday pastimes and head further into the hills and continue my holiday there.

The weather in sublime South Africa is so pleasant all year long that I can go camping without concern. This is Africa, the richest and least known continent on the planet, where we locals don’t need to work to survive because there is no problem. No bad weather, no food shortage, no mad government. There is a government but they are so relaxed and so well fed from skimming off the top that they don’t bother me.

They are trying to add a ZAR100 tax on top of any traffic fine handed out, but most of us here simply ignore traffic fines and don’t bother to pay them since there is no follow up in our less than efficient government system here. And that is our saving grace. There is one thing worse that a poorly functioning government and that is a well-functioning government.

If they function well, then you can be sure that you will be monitored, controlled and abused far more than in our third world dysfunctional systems. Here I am free, never pay tax, and am left to my own devices. What a pleasure because I can take care of myself thanks. I don’t need any government support. The hospitals are poorly but I have not used them in 30 years. I can cure myself. I own no property have hardly any money, so can’t be taxed. And I have the one treasure that can’t be taken – time.

Therefore I am free, with all my time to do as I please. It’s my life and I am free. How are you feeling today?

(image pixabay)