Road Signs - Thoughtful Daily Post

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“Beyond the edge of the world there’s a space where emptiness and substance neatly overlap, where past and future form a continuous, endless loop. And, hovering about, there are signs no one has ever read, chords no one has ever heard.”― Haruki Murakami

Ever noticed how certain things in your life will repeatedly present themselves… and we are all like “oh look, there it is again”… it is amusing really, how “slow” us humans are at reading the road signs. With everything we have managed to simultaneously create and destroy on this planet in the last ‘lil while, you would think we would have developed skill enough to read a few simple road signs and actually have the intelligence to follow or at the very least hear them out...

For most of my life, I have been of the “stubborn kind”. Threw caution to the wind - said SCREW the world and anybody or thing that did not suit my agenda. I suppose you could say that from a young age, I felt pretty hard done by and eventually decided to start making rules of my own because I did not like the ones which others were making for me.

Had I been an adult and mother then, reading what I just wrote – I probably would have grinned, giggled and said something along the lines of “good luck with that” or “you have no idea what you are doing”. I would have been right too, because I needed a lot more than luck and I definitely had no idea what the bloody hell I was doing – This was a bud which unfolded ALL on it’s own - Some petals eaten by caterpillars, some burnt by the scorching sun and others which simply gave in to final surrender.

When you stand in the position of having little petal left, you begin to count the ones which remain…. The things which matter and when you realise what actually DOES, you suddenly start paying attention to your own personal road signs because you don’t want to end up back where you were. I have met MANY people from many different walks of life in the 40 years which I have been floating and hopping around this place we call earth… and the most fascinating to me, have always been those which have lost everything (on one level or another) and through this, discovered who they REALLY ARE!

No longer inhibited by social agenda or swayed by trivial opinion, these individuals stick out – not like sore thumbs , but rather as shining catalysts for where human kind in general should be heading. Plenty don’t recognise this kind of being but I do for the simple reason that they too can see all the signs in the road along the way. They are not blind, oblivious and self-absorbed. They have looked beyond themselves and into the bigger picture. They not only see, but FEEL beyond the comprehension of others, finding it hard to breathe and crying to the point of not being able to see but past that, they see the light – and this is what drives them forward.

I have been presented with a few road signs of my own recently. Turning the soil, seeing what is good and throwing out the rest… looking at what I want in my life and what I don’t - Realising that there is always room for growth and change if we allow it. Change can be a little overwhelming sometimes and others it can be downright scary.

The road is not always roses, but I have long since learnt that I do not want to ignore the signs along the way, regardless of how challenging the path ahead presented may be. We have ONE life to live here on earth. I want to spend it with my heart, mind and body on fire!!!!! Maybe it takes another TEN YEARS to reach that point, I don’t CARE!!!! Worth the effort and the wait – and every single moment between now and then will be filled with as much of the same as I can possibly muster.

“Let us consider our life as a road we have to cross; fear lies on one side of the road, and our dreams lie on the opposite side. Just before crossing, let us look above and see through the sun rays; we will find the signs that will lead us into the right way.” ― Nadine Sadaka Boulos


Until next time...
Much Love from Cape Town, South Africa xxx





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