A new approach to blogging on Steem


Hey there, how ya’ll doing? Haven’t posted lately because emotions have been rough these days. Normally it doesn’t take me more than a day to get back into a more positive mindset but this took really long. Probably the end of year is taking it’s toll and there are many disapointments regarding what I hoped to have achieved.

Yesterday I read my I-Ching (chinese oracle for spiritual guidance) and it talked about focusing on repairment of what is damaged. My relationship with Steemit immediately came to mind as I went from super enjoying it to hardly finding motivation to write.


Part of the lack of motivation came from the little economic incentive the platform is currently offering versus the time invested in it. Because you all know it’s not just writing and posting, you also have to engage, support others and expand your connections to be able to grow.

After more than a month of actively partaking in the different areas of Steemit I haven’t been able to get enough money for one month of rent, which is understandable because social media is usually very slow to pick up on profits. It’s generally said that the first six months are the hardest and you are most likely to see losses. Economics is one thing but I can’t do much more than work hard and be perseverant (perhaps also trade tokens to increase profits).


On the other hand there’s the content which is something I have reflected heavily on. I have asked myself: “Am I writing things that help me to make my dreams come to life? Have I used words properly to aid my balance, attract the right people and strengthen my commitment to my ideals?” And the answer is no.

Creativity can sometimes be a fickle mistress as it loves to bring down structures in order to bring up something new. However there are many dreams I would like to fulfill that need a little structure, that need to respect long term thinking, as well as support and encouragement when met with opposition.

I feel I have focused excesively on creative writing and that has had consequences into my 3D life. My focus has become weak and I have been lost in the haze of my own fantasies, unable to step on solid ground. I wouldn’t give a shit about solid ground if it weren’t for the love and gratefulness I have for the Earth and all the beautiful gifts she provides for us.


To me it’s not enough to just say I’m grateful if it’s not backed by action. It’s not grateful if you say “thank you Earth” after seeing a cool Instagram post about what she gives us and then just scroll by when watching a video of the Amazon Rainforest burning and thinking “oh, that’s sad”. Gratefulness would be to get up and say “I have to do something about this!”, and do it.

The dream I talk about is being part of the restorative process of the Earth. I don’t pretend to be able to restore the Amazon Rainforest, but there are many places (almost everywhere) to begin healing in different ways. The only way to do this is one step at a time, but these steps have to be constant. One step every year isn’t going to do much while most of humanity is taking a thousand daily steps the other way.


So should we be taking a thousand steps to healing the Earth daily? Well, that’s a lot to ask for, specially because we aren’t robots who can just be programmed to do something non-stop (though it seems greed does the trick in changing this). Without greed to push us into this road, we rely on our spiritual energy to drive us, however there are many other situations that demand from this energy and it’s easy to run out of supply.

I think if we can walk steadily though, at least one step per day, it can have a huge impact because most people respect perseverance and resolve. If you do this, everyone that sees you will feel, at the very least, curious. From there, a high chance of others following in your footsteps becomes real.


One of the things I noticed was going wrong is that I wasn’t taking much care of my personal life. For example, I used to cook delicious and good looking vegan meals and lately I haven’t done so, which is foolish because I could even be posting them and getting paid for eating well!

So now I want to write and post things that help me take care of myself and others, things that serve as inspiration to live a better life. I’m not saying my fantasy writing or streams of consciousness have to disappear, but I should also tend to the other elements that are part of life with equal enthusiasm.

Perhaps this post is kind of my new years resolution though I didn’t write it thinking of this, but since we’re here, might as well do it! So here is how I’m going to re-channel my energy on Steemit to get back on track:

- Write a daily post as a minimum

- Have a day of the week for each of the areas I want to cover in my posts which are:

  • Medicinal and magical plants
  • Spiritual development
  • Vegan cooking
  • Soil, water and forest restoration
  • Psychonautics and sexual energy exploration
  • Music
  • Creative writing

- Use writing to create the reality I would like to live, as well as exploring fantasies in a balanced way.

- Do a weekly curation post where I pick other Steemians posts related to the topics I mentioned before.

I also would like to support the #powerhousecreatives (@steemitbloggers), @naturalmedicine, @ecotrain, @innerblocks @sonicgroove and #creativecoin communities as much as my time allows. These are all wonderful places to learn and grow and I am very grateful for their existence.

Well, I think these are realistic goals and that if I can stick to them without falling into self-sabotage they should bring some nice results, because they will help my life independently of what economic rewards follow them.

What are your resolutions for this 2020? If you did a post on this feel free to leave the link below and I will upvote and give you an SBI share ;)

Power House Creatives _night mode.png

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