
I decided to try out a poem, I enjoy poems but struggle to coil words to fit in. Today I have written a poem,from my trouble heart. It talks about comfort zone blinding my being from seeing the harm I Inflict on myself.

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Here is my first try for a poem.
The walls are higher, a barrier to freedom
Beyond the bars lies desire longing fulfilment
Am caged, and there's no way out

Maybe there is, but the bars are cozy

Cozy with the comfort my skin desire

I can't breath yet am unaware

Behind the bars, I curse the unfair life

Without realizing I am the enemy of myself

My eyes are red, it bleeds incognizant

Who will free me off this bar I have caged myself in

I can see, yet am blind

I need a savior, someone to show me the light in the tunnel

I await, I stay strong , fighting

Maybe someday, the bars am caged in will be broken

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