Falling Back

Did you ever open your eyes to the morning light and instinctively know it was going to be a great day? The weather could not have been any more perfect for this day in October, a true bonus to my life. This part of the country subscribes to the Spring forward, Fall back with our clocks in a few weeks. November first to be exact. I will admit it, I have such a love/hate relationship with Autumn. It is with great love that I say this for today does not feel like autumn, however, as I say this, I know that winter will be upon me soon. But, that is a story for me to worry about another day. Today is a beautiful day!

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You can dance to the rhythm in your head, with the leaves swaying in the breeze. It speaks of days ahead, yet there is no warmth in her words.


I set out on a walk through the cemetery, the earthy smell of leaves subdued by apple, the sweetness of some far off decomposing fruit permeating the air. Did I already say the weather could not have been any more perfect today? The sun gently touched my face, caressing my cheeks with her warmth. The leaves crunched under my feet as I made my way to the place where my father lay at rest. The beauty of the colors, the smells mingling together with my visit bring about a unique emotional response from my soul. It is then I remember just how much I miss him.

But, it is not the same gut-wrenching sadness that I buried him with, but, more of a nostalgic wishing he could see me now. And, my friend @Quillfire summed it up nicely.

"Day follows night" "This too shall pass."

I have to believe.


As always, there must be flowers, to color my world. I can only say that as the days go on, we will experience much more beauty of another dimension.

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Whispered words, from your lips
Out of the darkness, they came
Touching my heart, softly, caressing
Stealing off with my soul
Taking me, swallowing me whole
Once again

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