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Quality Content... and Interpreting My Notes Gets Tricky... Sometimes!

The thing about "Holiday Weekends" is that I inevitably end up feeling like Monday is actually Sunday, so I "lose" a day in there.

As I sit here and write these words, I keep having to remind myself that this is not Sunday night...

I didn't really have much time to write this weekend, because we actually had visitors (in the form of our adult kids) for the first time since somewhere back in March!

Lilacs blooming in our garden

That said, I did get in several nice sessions of what I call "Kitchen Counter Creativity," which basically amounts to feverishly scribbling down ideas while stirring the pots on the stove.

It has always fascinated me how not sitting down with the purpose of doing something creative tends to loosen up creative thoughts!

There's actually a psychological/neuroscience term for that, but it eludes me at this moment...

Anyway, the result is that I end up with all these little pieces of notepaper with "shorthand-ish" scribbles of ideas I had, in the middle of scrambling eggs, or making spaghetti sauce.

Whereas this is a pretty nice way to "capture" fleeting ideas in the moment, I often end up with the small "problem" that I can't necessarily make sense of what I wrote down.

Notes from yesterday and earlier today...

Thankfully, I never have much of a shortage of things to write about, so it doesn't necessarily matter if I have to throw a few of them away, "unprocessed."

One of the things I've noticed over the years is that there are certain topics that come up on a cyclical basis... and they tend to get me all fired up.

Mostly they have to do with very specific areas of "the stupidity of government" and "the stupidity of economics," and sometimes "the stupidity of well-educated adults behaving like spoiled 14-year olds."

That said, maybe I'm the one who's stupid because most of the time these hot points are like "niche topics within niche topics," in such a way that they are hardly representative of more than the opinions of a tiny handful of people.

Thimbleberry blossom

PERSONAL Blogs, and What Thereof Follows

Perhaps 90-95% of the time, my blogging has historically followed one of two paths.

Most of the time, I have kept what I think of as a personal blog (which is what you're reading at the moment), which is basically a flow-of-consciousness stream of ideas and commentary, along with occasional recordings of milestones and events in my life.

The rest of the time, I have written more article like blogs on a variety of niche topics, mostly in the spirituality-psychology-mental health-self-development field.

The reason I am bringing this up is that — as a consumer of content — I tend to follow pretty much the same sort of mix.

Which brings me to one of the small handwritten notes I was trying to interpret earlier: When we talk about the "quality" of content and ask what "adds value," the first place to look is to ourselves as a point of inquiry into what we consume, as content seekers.

And, by extension, if we look at a content platform and declare "this is just a bunch of vacuous hooey!" why on Planet Earth would we think anyone else would want to look at that "hooey?"

And therein lies my answer to most of those who say "quality" content doesn't matter. Do YOU waste time with complete garbage content?

Thanks for reading... and hope your holiday weekend was a good one!

Comments, feedback and other interaction is invited and welcomed! Because — after all — SOCIAL content is about interacting, right? Leave a comment-- share your experiences-- be part of the conversation!

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(As usual, all text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is original content, created expressly for this platform.)
Created at 20200525 21:24 PDT
