Life and Culture: At What Point Do We Become Satisfied?

Whether it's Hive, work or life at large it often seems like everyone is "jockeying for position" — adjusting this, changing that, tweaking here, modifying there... all in some attempt to try to get a little bit further ahead.


I sometimes wonder ”ahead of what, exactly?” but that often seems to be the great unknown in this equation.

It all makes me wonder if there ever is a point at which we declare ourselves satisfied? Is there such a thing as "enough?"

I'll kick in an important sidenote here, that this is neither a complaint, a lament, or pretending to have an answer to something — it's simply curiosity.

I suppose there are those who would argue at the moment we stop striving we ”might as well be dead.” I'm not sure I can bring myself to subscribe to that particular school of thought, although I often tend to agree with the statement that when we stop learning we must be dead. But there's a difference between striving and learning, at least in my opinion.


If you are a regular visitor to these pages, you have probably heard me expressed thoughts to the effect of ”I work extremely hard at not having to have a real job.”

I suppose that's a form of ”striving” in and of itself. Or is it?

All in all I have to confess that I am pretty satisfied with life. Sure, there's some bad with the good... but that's just about finding balance. Sometimes it seems like there are a fair number of people who would be terrified of making such an admission as "being satisfied," lest those around them might think that they've stopped trying. It may simply be that they're terrified that others might discover that they are actually just human, and not nearly as ”shiny” as the public image they try to project out into the world.

Why do we try to be so shiny? More specifically, why do we try to be so shiny when in fact we're not shiny at all?


I remember having that debate quite frequently with my ex. She was pretty concerned about ”image” and not ever letting anybody see if anything was wrong or if anything was less than optimal.

As far as I'm concerned, there's a pretty long distance between being honest and authentic, and needlessly ”airing out dirty laundry” as she was so desperately afraid any tiny confession of fault or weakness would project.

But pretty much all human beings are flawed in some way... and those who insist they aren't are probably lying... at least to themselves!

So what's my point in writing all this? Well, mostly that if we are eternally focused on always getting to some "more" state in the future, there's a really good chance that a whole lot of the good stuff we could experience here in the "as-is Present" will simply pass us by because we're too busy looking elsewhere.

So don't do that!

Thanks for reading, and have a great remainder of your week!

How about YOU? Are you a striver? Do you believe "enough" exists? Can we ever just be "satisfied," as human beings? Comments, feedback and other interaction is invited and welcomed! Because — after all — SOCIAL content is about interacting, right? Leave a comment — share your experiences — be part of the conversation!*


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Created at 20210510 23:20 PDT


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