30-Day Challange: Level. V: AI, Cryptocurrency, The Future, and Alien Life


30-Day Challenge: Level. V: AI, Cryptocurrency, The Future, and Alien Life

Hello, citizens of D.Buzz!

Challenges can be daunting, but they can also be incredibly rewarding. When we rise up to meet them, we can learn more about ourselves, our strengths, and our capabilities. We can also gain valuable knowledge, skills, and experience. By tackling a challenge, we can often gain a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction, which can help us stay motivated and inspired. So, when a challenge comes our way, don't be afraid - embrace it and use it as an opportunity to better yourself and to grow.

It's time we release the next series in our 30-day challenge series. This is level V!

What is the 30-day challenge about?

In a nutshell, it's about inspiration. It's here to provide you a spark of daily inspiration, motivation for you to post content, and inspire you to get online and engage with your fellow residents of D.Buzz.

There is no right or wrong answer; there won’t be judges to hold you accountable... It's very much self-directed, and we hope interesting enough for you to carry through all 30 days.

This is the fifth installment of the 30-day challenge. You can take other thirty-day challenges at any time if you wish. Each one is a little different, each one has different questions and outcomes, and each one has already been completed by some people. However, only a few have completed all so far.

Here are links to the four previous 30-day challenges.

The stage is now set, so let's get to level V!

Challenge LV5

Week 1: AI and the Future

  1. What do you think is the most probable way that AI will change the world?
  2. Do you think AI will replace humans in the workplace?
  3. What will we be able to do with AI in the future?
  4. What are your thoughts on AI?
  5. What do you think of Elon Musk?
  6. What do you think of Ray Kurzweil?
  7. What famous person would you want to have your AI chatbot be?

Week 2: Cryptocurrency and the Future

  1. What is your opinion about cryptocurrency?
  2. Do you think that Bitcoin will last forever?
  3. Do you think Ethereum will become the next Bitcoin?
  4. Do you think crypto will change the world?
  5. Did bitcoin crash?
  6. Is bitcoin a Ponzi scheme?
  7. What is the hottest thing in the cryptocurrency world right now?

Week 3: Dystopian or Utopian Future

  1. Would you live in a utopia or dystopian future?
  2. What do you think can be done to avoid dystopia?
  3. Are there any successful real-life utopias?
  4. What type of world would you want to live in?
  5. What is your favorite dystopian novel?
  6. What do you think of The Hunger Games?
  7. Would you rather be a colonist on Mars or live in a big city?

Week 4: Alien Life and The Future

  1. What do you think an alien would look like?
  2. Do you have outer space on your bucket list?
  3. Do you think aliens are out there?
  4. Do you think we will find alien life?
  5. Will we be able to communicate with aliens?
  6. What will the first contact be like with aliens?
  7. Would you give up your life on Earth to meet aliens?


You may also re-buzz the award below, saying you have completed the challenge, LEVEL 5!

This award shows that the participant completed the Level Five 30-day challenge from DBuzz!


D.Buzz over and out.

- The D.BUZZ


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