Generation X Just Lost The Game

I won't point fingers or name "names".
Some of you will know who I'm nodding my head towards regardless.
I received a lovely email newsletter this morning exclaiming the virtues of the full moon this week, and calling for a Sister Circle.

So sister, speak from your heart:
What are you ready to bring into the world? What truths are you ready to speak? What are you wanting to share?

I know what I want to share (since I was asked): How I feel about the earlier part of the message with an "x" in the word "Women".
It was spelled "womxn". I tend to be a little behind in these new fangled ways of moving through the politically correct arena, so I apologize if I'm late to the "what's new to be outraged about" event of today, but this one had me scratching my head and first wondering about editorial typo's, etc.

I'm not a womxn. Am I? How would I pronounce that? Womjnn? Womshan? Are we calling a group of humainoids with vaginas "womshyn"? Is the femxle sex now going to have that to contend with? COME ON!!!!!!!!โ† (xtra exclamations for emphasis)

(insert much stampeding of brain matter here)

It's too feckin' much even for my typically forward motion sensibilities.
I was also one of the folks who campaigned for the "x" to be removed from Christmas. Most because I am a goofy-Sufi Pagan-Cathar-Druid-Buddhist-Christian and I do enjoy a groovy Yule, Merry Winter Solstice Christmas get-together. Call it what it is, and if you're a Christian, don't take your Christ out of the date. It's lazy texting, IMNSHO (see what I did there?).

Know your history, figure it out. Much like we build new cathedrals over temples or other places of ritual; because they are power points on the Earth Grid (or at the very least, popular destinations for mystics) I'm beginning to think that "x" is the new hazardous zone symbol.

Can we stop it?

(crickets chirp)

Heavy Sigh.
merry xmas.jpg
HIVE sig1.gif

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